Comprehensive neuropsychological batteries focus on the subtle cognitive deficits in dementia, but a brief screening instrument is also of immense practical value. As the clock-drawing test encompasses a number of cognitive domains frequently disturbed by the dementing process, it is considered to be a suitable screening instrument for the disorder. We documented the usefulness of a new scoring method of the clock-drawing test for screening of dementia in the elderly Chinese in Hong Kong. Fifty-three demented individuals and 53 healthy elderly controls were assessed. At a cutoff score of 3/4, the sensitivity and specificity of the clock-drawing test in screening of dementia was 83% and 79%. With a composite test of clock reading and clock setting, the positive predictive value of the clock face test was 98%. This new scoring method of clock-drawing proved to be a valid measure for screening of dementia. It is applicable in non-English speaking populations and should be a useful adjunct for quick screening assessment of dementia.