Objective: To determine the efficacy of genetic testing of individuals presenting with features possibly indicative of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease, regardless of other relevant family and clinical details.
Setting and participants: Between September 1994 and December 1997, 16 unrelated individuals were referred to Genetic Services of Western Australia by local clinicians and by similar genetic services in other States, for VHL gene mutation analysis because of clinical manifestations suggestive of the diagnosis.
Methods: The subjects were investigated by screening for mutations in the polymerase chain reaction products of the three VHL gene exons using single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis (SSCP). If no mutations were detected the exons were sequenced, and if no variations were found DNA was examined by Southern analysis for germinal rearrangements.
Results: Mutations in the VHL gene were detected in eight of 16 individuals (50%), including 3 individuals with no family history suggestive of VHL disease. Five mutations were detected by SSCP, two by gene sequencing and one by Southern analysis. Each mutation occurred only in a single family and three had not been previously reported.
Conclusion: Genetic screening of individuals presenting with clinical features suggestive of VHL facilitates confirmation of the diagnosis, accurate genetic counselling and surveillance of at-risk family members. The necessity for costly and time-consuming screening programs can be reduced and screening directed at those carrying the mutation. Our low stringency criteria are justified for screening for VHL mutations.