Background/aims: Interleukin 8 is known as a chemotactic factor for neutrophils and T cells. Such inflammatory cells are observed in the liver tissue in chronic viral hepatitis. However, it is not known whether interleukin 8 relates to hepatic injury in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. Therefore, we determined serum interleukin 8 levels and identified the cells related to interleukin 8 production in liver tissue.
Methodology: Studies were performed on 29 patients with chronic viral hepatitis and 20 normal controls. Serum interleukin 8 levels were assayed using a sandwich ELISA. Immunohistochemical examination was performed to identify the cells related to interleukin 8 production by using a rabbit polyvalent antibody to human interleukin 8.
Results: Serum interleukin 8 levels were found to be increased significantly (p<0.05) in patients with chronic viral hepatitis compared with normal controls. They were also increased significantly in patients with chronic active hepatitis compared with chronic persistent hepatitis (p<0.05), and during exacerbation stages compared with remission stages (p<0.05). Out of the 10 patients examined immunohistochemically, interleukin 8 positive cells in the liver tissue were visualized in 7 patients and observed mainly along sinusoids. There was significant correlation between serum interleukin 8 levels and intensity of staining for interleukin 8 in the liver tissue (p<0.05, r=0.869).
Conclusions: Interleukin 8 plays a role in hepatic injury in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, and is mainly produced by nonparenchymal cells in the liver.