The relationships among treatment regimens, plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA levels, and resistance mutations to saquinavir (codons 48 and 90) and zidovudine (codon 215) were examined in a cohort of 144 patients from the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 229 study. After 24-40 weeks of therapy, no patients who had received the two-drug combination (zidovudine plus saquinavir) had only codon 48 mutations, 45.8% had only codon 90 mutations, and 8.3% had both codon 48 and 90 mutations. Mutations developed by patients who had received the three-drug combination (zidovudine and zalcitabine plus saquinavir) were codon 48 alone in 1.4%, codon 90 alone in 33.3%, and both codons 48 and 90 in 4.2%. The difference between the groups showed a trend toward reduced mutations with three versus two drugs but did not reach significance (P=.11, two-sided chi2). Higher baseline HIV RNA levels correlated with the development of protease mutations. Mutations at codon 215 were present in 82% of all patients at baseline and in 87% after therapy.