Purpose: To propose a novel interpretation of DNA double-strand break (dsb) repair based on the distribution of energy micro-deposition.
Materials and methods: Double-strand break repair curves were studied either after irradiation at 4 degrees C or at 37 degrees C (low dose rate). Two human fibroblast cell lines were used: a control line, HF19, and an ataxia telangiectasia repair-deficient line, AT5BI. Irradiations were made with gamma-rays or alpha-particles (241Am). Repair data were fitted by the variable repair half-time (VRHT) model. Assuming that each dsb has its own inherent repair half-time (IRHT) and that the VRHT is the average of the IRHT at any time during repair, the distribution of the IRHT was calculated.
Results: At the end of the irradiation, the distribution was a continuous asymmetric curve with a maximum of dsb having a short IRHT. After 1 h of repair, the curve became bell-shaped. There is a striking similarity between the distribution of dsb repair half-times and that of energy micro-deposition described by Goodhead et al. (1993).
Conclusion: This similarity suggests a possible causal relationship between the energy density deposition and the repair rate or the probability of dsb repair.