To analyse the anaerobic infection of maxillofacial surgery and estimate the efficacy of antianaerobic therapy, 45 patients were divided into two groups, tinidazole group and metronidazole group. Bacterial culture was positive before treating in all cases. There were Bacillus Melaniogenicus, Veillonella, Peptococcus and Peptostreptococus, etc. There was excellent efficacy in the treatment of maxillofacial anaerobic infection by tinidazole intravenously. After treatment, the result of bacterial examination was negative. The healing rate was 96.4% in 28 cases which used tinidazol, but 82.4% in control group which used metronidazole. The value of white blood cell and the function of liver and kidney pro- and post-treatment were not significantly different (P < 0.05) by comparision.