A whole genome radiation hybrid (RH) map of the canine genome was constructed by typing 400 markers, including 218 genes and 182 microsatellites, on a panel of 126 radiation hybrid cell lines. Fifty-seven RH groups have been determined with lod scores greater than 6, and 180 framework landmarks were ordered with odds greater than 1000:1. Average spacing between adjacent markers is 23 cR5000, an estimated physical distance of 3.8 Mb. Fourteen groups have been assigned to 9 of the canine chromosomes, and a comparison of RH and genetic groups allowed the successful bridging of both types of data on one map composed of 31 RH and 13 syntenic RH groups. Comparison of canine, human, mouse, and pig maps underlined regions of conserved synteny. This integrated map, covering an estimated 80% of the dog genome, should prove a powerful tool for localizing and identifiying genes implicated in pathological and phenotypical traits.
Copyright 1998 Academic Press.