Initial results obtained using a new electrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometer operated at a magnetic field 11.5 tesla are presented. The new instrument utilized an electrostatic ion guide between the ESI source and FTICR trap that provided up to 5% overall transmission efficiency for light ions and up to 30% efficiency for heavier biomolecules. The higher magnetic field in combination with an enlarged FTICR ion trap made it possible to substantially improve resolving power and operate in a more robust fashion for large biopolymers compared to lower field instruments. Mass resolution up to 10(6) has been achieved for intermediate size biopolymers such as bovine ubiquitin (8.6 kDa) and bovine cytochrome c (12.4 kDa) without the use of frequency drift correction methods. A mass resolution of 370,000 has been demonstrated for isotopically resolved molecular ions of bovine serum albumin (66.5 kDa). Comparative measurements were made with the same spectrometer using a lower field 3.5-tesla magnet allowing the performance gains to be more readily quantified. Further improvements in pumping capacity of the vacuum system and efficiency of ion transmission from the source are expected to lead to further substantial sensitivity gains.