Methods for the humane killing of animals are watched critically by both the public and the veterinary community. Evaluation of such methods requires assessment of efficacy as well as emotional and ethical aspects. Rapidity of loss of consciousness is a crucial factor in such evaluations. In the present study, four methods for piglet euthanasia were compared with regard to presence of indicators of discomfort (pain, anxiety, stress) and rapidity of onset of death, defined as the absence of breathing, heart beats and reflexes, combined with isoelectricity of the electro-encephalogram (EEG). The study was performed on piglets, which had to be destroyed on account of preventive measures against swine fever. The following methods were applied: CO2 98%, CO2/O2 65/35%, T61 and pentobarbital (Euthesate) injected intracardially. Intracardial injections of T61 and pentobarbital provide fast unconsciousness and death with minimal discomfort to the animal.