In order to evaluate the usefulness of the endoscopic procedures with BAL, we conducted a study on 92 patients with diagnosis of lung cancer, underwent to chemotherapy, identifying pathogenic species involved and the antibiotic sensibility and antibiotic resistance. Moreover, to evaluate possible modifications of alveolar cell population in neutropenic patients, we studied the specimens from BALs performed via fibreoptic bronchoscopy.
Methods: The cellular pattern of BALs in terms of concentration of total cells, concentrations of alveolar macrophages (AMs), of polymorphonucleates (PMNs) and lymphocytes (Ls) were compared in neutropenic and non-neutropenic patients.
Results: In the statistical analysis of our study we found a correlation, statistically significant, between patients with neutropenic episodes on the previous chemotherapy courses and incidence of LTRI. The mean concentrations x 100,000/ml of BAL fluid of total alveolar cells, AMs, PMNs and Ls were significantly lower, after chemotherapy, in group of neutropenic patients than in non neutropenic patients, respectively.
Conclusions: In this study we found that during neutropenia the alveolar cell population was quantitatively deficient, confirming the hypothesis, proposed by other authors, of "lung aplasia" as a consequence or a concomitant event of chemotherapy-induced marrow toxicity.