[Nutritional diet therapy in the management of the patient with Chronic Kidney Disease in advanced phase to delay the beginning and reduce the frequency of dialysis. An option also in the pre-emptive transplant program].
Cupisti A, Brunori G, Di Iorio BR, D'Alessandro C, Pasticci F, Cosola C, Bellizzi V, Bolasco P, Capitanini A, Fantuzzi AL, Gennari A, Piccoli GB, Quintaliani G, Salomone M, Sandrini M, Santoro D, Babini P, Fiaccadori E, Gambaro G, Garibotto G, Gregorini M, Mandreoli M, Minutolo R, Cancarini G, Conte G, Locatelli F, Gesualdo L.
Cupisti A, et al. Among authors: gregorini m.
G Ital Nefrol. 2018 Sep;35(5):2018-vol5.
G Ital Nefrol. 2018.
PMID: 30234228