Seventeen brands of antacid products available on the Kenya market were investigated for their acid neutralising capacity and sodium content. Thirteen tablet products gave neutralising capacity per tablet of between 4.7 to 14.12 mMol hydrochloric acid. The neutralising capacities for the suspensions ranged between 11.97 to 34.32 mMol hydrochloric acid for 10ml suspension. The lowest neutralising capacities were obtained for products based on compound magnesium trisilicate and higher capacities for those containing magaldrate, or magnesium hydroxide or magnesium carbonate in combination with other ingredients. The fastest rate of neutralization was obtained with preparations containing carbonates and the lowest by compound magnesium trisilicate. The sodium content for the preparations was between < 0.001 mEq to 0.732 mEq sodium per minimum recommended dose. The study shows a high degree of variation in both the acid neutralising capacities and the sodium content of the different brands investigated.