Understanding the pathologies related to the regulation of protein metabolism requires methods for studying the kinetics of individual proteins. We developed a (2)H(2)O metabolic labeling technique and software for protein kinetic studies in free living organisms. This approach for proteome dynamic studies requires the measurement of total body water enrichments by GC-MS, isotopic distribution of the tryptic peptide by LC-MS/MS, and estimation of the asymptotical number of deuterium incorporated into a peptide by software. We applied this technique to measure the synthesis rates of several plasma lipoproteins and acute phase response proteins in rats. Samples were collected at different time points, and proteins were separated by a gradient gel electrophoresis. (2)H labeling of tryptic peptides was analyzed by ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (LTQ MS/MS) for measurement of the fractional synthesis rates of plasma proteins. The high sensitivity of LTQ MS in zoom scan mode in combination with (2)H label amplification in proteolytic peptides allows detection of the changes in plasma protein synthesis related to animal nutritional status. Our results demonstrate that fasting has divergent effects on the rate of synthesis of plasma proteins, increasing synthesis of ApoB 100 but decreasing formation of albumin and fibrinogen. We conclude that this technique can effectively measure the synthesis of plasma proteins and can be used to study the regulation of protein homeostasis under physiological and pathological conditions.