Dinucleotide CA repeat sequences in the human genome have been shown to be highly polymorphic due to variation in the length of the repeat-containing segment. Therefore, these markers can serve as anchor loci in the construction of a high-resolution genetic map of the human genome. In this study, we improved the efficiency of typing dinucleotide repeats using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Dinucleotide repeat sequences of four previously identified markers (DXS453, DXS458, DXS454, and DXS424) on the long arm of the X chromosome were simultaneously amplified in a single PCR reaction. This multiplex PCR was applied to genotype individuals from the 40 CEPH reference families, and the genotypic data were used to determine the map position of the four loci with respect to eight reference markers in the Xq region by linkage analysis.