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Mr. Costantino Masciopinto

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Short Biography

Key researcher and supervisor in 11 CNR projects on groundwater modeling and artificial recharge. He joined the Editorial Board of Ground Water Journal in 2007. Research activities have been performed in the following EU (6FP) projects: AQUASTRESS, CIRCE, RECLAIM WATER, and PRIMAC. As coordinator of the PRIMAC (ERDF) EU project (http://primac.ba.cnr.it), he is involved in experimental research on groundwater remediation from seawater intrusion. Recently, he has been involved in research activities on seawater intrusion and on the migration of viruses and pollutants in fractured and karstic aquifers, using mathematical models supported by field and laboratory experiments developed during the Drink Adria UE CBC project: Networking for Drinking Water Supply in Adriatic Region (Priority 2: Natural and Cultural Resources and Risk Prevention). He is the author of 126 papers in peer-reviewed Journals (44 cited on JCR) addressing mathematical model developments and simulations in fractured aquifers.