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Best Practices & Case Studies

One of the best ways to learn and make the case for high-performance building innovations is to point to others’ experience in implementing these innovations – both their successes and lessons learned. This section focuses on examples of specific practices and projects that agencies have actually employed.

Return to Agency Green Building Practices

government wide
pdf file type January 22nd, 2016

432 Compliant Facility Audits - B. Gustafson, Jan. 2016opens in new window

Brad Gustafson of DOE Federal Energy Management Program describes how energy auditing is done across the federal government with varying levels of success in complying with Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) Section 432. Given the requirements for remote audits in E.O. 13693 (Section 3(a)(i)(A)), he asks if there is interest in developing a standardized approach to federal energy audits, including remote audits, in order to improve compliance and success.

pdf file type June 20th, 2016

Building Glass and Lighting Impacts and Solutions - L. Kordella and E. Kershner, Mar. 2015opens in new window

Offers behavioral, immediate low-cost and long-term solutions to prevent bird deaths caused by reflective building windows.

pdf file type March 4th, 2024

Circadian Light for Your Health – B. Steverson, March 2017opens in new window

GSA’s Bryan Steverson explains the importance of daylight for human health, highlighting some preliminary results from a GSA study on deploying desktop LEDs that can mimic natural daylight. Some advice from Brian and his colleagues for overcoming circadian disruption: “Get Light. Mostly Daylight. Morning Best!
For more information, visit the GSA Circadian Lighting Research pageopens in new window.

pdf file type March 25th, 2019

Deep Energy Savings Using ESPCs - M. Gartman, M. Jungclaus, and K. Porst, Sept. 2015opens in new window

Builds on the July 2015 report Deep Energy Retrofits Using Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Success Stories, co-released by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and GSA. Michael Gartman and Matt Jungclaus of RMI join Kinga Porst of GSA to discuss GSA's National Deep Energy Retrofit program, best practices, keys to success, and case studies. To learn more, visit the RMI webpage, "Federal Deep Energy Retrofits." And stay tuned for an upcoming, more detailed webinar on this topic from RMI/GSA.

pdf file type February 27th, 2024

Energy Master Planning for Community Resilience – A. Zhivov, December 2018opens in new window

Dr. Alexander Zhivov of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers explains how energy master planning can make campuses and communities more resilient to major energy disruptions, with case studies from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Gram, Denmark. For more information, visit the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy in Buildings and Communities Program (EBC) Annex 73 websitenon government site opens in new window and view these U.S. Army Corps presentations from the 2016non government site opens in new window and 2017non government site opens in new window Energy Exchange conferences.

pdf file type February 4th, 2022

Energy Storage at Federal Buildings - D. Kaneda - Jan 2022opens in new window

David Kaneda, Principal, IDeAs Consulting and Chair of GSA’s Green Building Advisory Committee, presented information on the Committee’s recently posted findings and recommendations on energy storage for federal facilities. For more information, see the November 2021 Advice Letter, “Recommendations for the Adoption of Energy Storage in Federal Buildings,” at GSA.govopens in new window.

pdf file type May 24th, 2018

Every Drop Counts: Maximizing Your Agency’s Water Savings with WaterSense Tools and Resources – T. O’Hare, May 2018opens in new window

Tara O’Hare of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives an update on the WaterSense program’s current tools and resources. New offerings include the WaterSense Commercial Facility Leaks Checklist and guides for drip irrigation. For more information, visit the EPA’s “Best Management Practices” website for commercial buildings.

pdf file type August 30th, 2023

Hot Water Temperature Maintenance Efficiency Opportunities – C. Cejudo and A. Davila, April 2021opens in new window

Carmen Cejudo and Alex Davila of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory describe the goals and approach of the Water Management Program within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program. One of these goals is to develop maps, tools, and recommendations to help agencies improve water efficiency in their facility operations. In this presentation, the PNNL experts describe various innovative ways to maintain hot water at fixtures to promote a fast, reliable hot water supply, and in the process, save water and energy.
To learn more, visit the FEMP Water Efficiency in Federal Buildings and Campuses website, at https://www.energy.gov/femp/water-efficiency-federal-buildings-and-campuses.

pdf file type June 18th, 2024

Indoor Water Conservation – D. Horn, Mar. 2016opens in new window

Don Horn of GSA’s Office for Federal Building Health and Performanceopens in new window introduces viewers to an annotated, interactive PDF guide and quiz for water efficiency measures and lessons learned for indoor water conservation. Viewers are also encouraged to visit the extensive water-related resources at SFTool.gov.

pdf file type March 27th, 2017

Influence of Occupancy on Building Energy Use and Use of an Occupancy-Adjusted Performance Metric – A. Selvacanabady, January 2017opens in new window

PNNL’s Abinesh Selvacanabady describes the findings of a report—co-authored with the lab’s Kathleen Judd—that analyzed the correlation between occupancy and energy use intensity (EUI) in the GSA Headquarters in Washington, DC, and GSA Byron Rogers Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Denver, CO.
For more information, contact Abinesh Selvacanabady.

pdf file type March 27th, 2017

Interior Lighting Campaign – M. Myer, March 2017opens in new window

Michael Myer of Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) describes this national program, with a goal to document high-efficiency retrofits of 1 million troffers by April 2017. The campaign met its goal three months early. Also covered in this presentation are case studies of some of the impressive lighting projects that counted toward that 1-million-troffer goal, as well as the new PNNL certificate series on Advanced Lighting Systems available to federal agencies.
For more information, visit the Campaign’s Web site.

pdf file type April 7th, 2024

Mastering Campus Sustainability Management: Tools for Success – N. Baker, K. Fowler, O. VanGeet, and J. Maestas, September 2016opens in new window

Led by Nic Baker, DOE-FEMP’s Large Campus Innovative Change (LCIC) Team explores why the federal government could benefit from a shifting its sustainability focus to the site- or campus-level. A FEMP analysis of EISA reporting data, for example, indicates that the top 450 energy-using federal campuses account for roughly 75% of all federal energy use. LCIC team members Kim Fowler of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Otto VanGeet of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and Jesse Maestas of Verus Resource Management provide a wide-ranging overview of this topic. Included in the presentation are best practices for campus-level sustainability, a particular focus on energy management, and an exploration of the financing options available to agencies doing energy projects.
See the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Global District Energy in Cities Initiative for further informationnon government site opens in new window.

pdf file type January 18th, 2017

Overview of the BTO Cybersecurity Related Buildings Project – J. Hagerman, January 2017opens in new window

Joe Hagerman of DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) gives an overview of the DOE Building Technologies Office (BTO) interactions with building owners and operators relating to cybersecurity. He describes lessons learned from pilot projects using the PNNL Buildings Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (B-C2M2). Finally, PNNL’s George Hernandez adds a brief look at VOLTTRON, the lab’s “application platform…for distributed sensing/control applications” that provides secure communication capability.
For more information:
PNNL B-C2M2, at https://bc2m2.pnnl.gov
Buildings-Grid Integration: VOLTTRONTM: http://bgintegration.pnnl.gov/volttron.asp

pdf file type May 1st, 2017

Overview of WaterSense Resources – V. Blette, Mar. 2016opens in new window

Veronica Blette of EPA WaterSense describes the many resources available to federal facility water managers, from WaterSense and beyond. Among the topics covered are flushometer-valve toilets, commercial and institutional water best management practices, and drought maps. Veronica also lists upcoming joint WaterSense and ENERGY STAR webinars in 2016.

pdf file type March 27th, 2017

Sustainability Success at the Provo Area Office – J. Kresge and C. Southworth, March 2017opens in new window

Josh Kresge and Cary Southworth of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Provo (UT) Area Office take viewers on a guided tour of how their team transformed the facility and its grounds into a 2016 FEMP Energy and Water Management Award-winning case study.
For more information:
Reclamation Provo Area Office homepage.
Case study YouTube video.
2016 FEMP Energy and Water Management Award Winners site.

agency specific
pdf file type December 21st, 2016

Army Net Zero Initiative - K.Kingery Jul 2014opens in new window

An overview of the Army's net zero pilot program and installations. Learn more about the Army's net zero program and read the Army's Sustainability Report.

pdf file type February 20th, 2020

DEA's EPIC Solar Project – M. Sandler, February 2020opens in new window

Mike Sandler, Energy Program Manager at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), presents a case study of the 2.47-megawatt DC solar photovoltaics (PV) system at the agency’s El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) in Texas. He describes how DEA used an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) energy sales agreement (ESA) project structure for the solar array, utilizing funds from a U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program (DOE-FEMP) AFFECT Grant. The solar array is expected to generate approximately 80 percent of EPIC’s electricity. 
For more information, see the EPIC ESPC ESA case study document on the FEMP website; the ESPC ENABLE Program and ESPC ESA home pages; and the full list of 2019 FEMP Energy and Water Management Award Winners.

pdf file type May 17th, 2023

Denver Federal Center Building 48 Modernization – J. Sielcken, M. Bartels, B. Fortune, and M. Swanson, March 2023opens in new window

This case study presentation describes the modernization and electrification of Building 48 at the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Denver Federal Center in Colorado. Formerly an ammunition manufacturing plant and warehouse, this 1940s-vintage facility is being transformed into a modern, high performance green office building. Compared to new construction, this project will see an 87 percent decrease in embodied carbon simply by reusing materials present in the existing building. Speakers: Jason Sielcken, AIA, GSA Regional Chief Architect; Brandon Fortune, PE, GSA Senior Project Manager; Michelle Swanson, PE, Vice President and Market Leader, RMH Group; and Matt Bartels, AIA, Senior Vice President, CannonDesign. To learn more, see the GSA DFC Building 48 modernization project website: https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/regions/welcome-to-the-rocky-mountain-region-8/buildings-and-facilities/colorado/denver-federal-center/dfc-building-48

pdf file type May 24th, 2018

Dyess AFB Energy Program – T. Denslow, Jan. 2018opens in new window

Tom Denslow, Energy Manager at Dyess Air Force Base, describes how the base achieved impressive energy and water savings, earning it a FEMP Federal Energy and Water Management Award. Strategies included using a $75 million, multi-phase utility energy service contract (UESC), employing energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs), and installing ice storage capabilities.

pdf file type May 24th, 2018

Emerging Technologies: GSA’s Proving Ground and Pilot to Portfolio Programs – K. Powell, May 2018opens in new window

Kevin Powell, director of GSA’s Office of Emerging Technologies, discusses the GSA Proving Ground and Pilot to Portfolio programs that “enable GSA to make sound investment decisions in next generation building technologies based on their real world performance.” He describes two standout technologies in more detail: High-R, low-e window retrofit panels; and magnetic levitation (maglev) chiller compressors. For more information, see the GSA Emerging Technologies website.

pdf file type February 27th, 2024

Evaluation of GSA Total Estimated Cost Impact (TECI) Metrics and Building Benchmarking – V. Loftness, October 2020opens in new window

Professor Vivian Loftness of Carnegie Mellon University presented her team’s research findings from an analysis of GSA’s smart buildings program, called GSALink. Installed in a growing list of GSA buildings, GSALink notifies building managers with “Sparks,” or real-time alerts about suboptimal operation of major building equipment. For a 60-building portfolio in GSALink, the CMU study estimated annual cost savings of $7 million in energy, $4 million in maintenance, and $6 million in societal benefits. For more information on the research that Prof. Loftness and colleagues are doing, visit the CMU Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD)non government site opens in new window.

pdf file type April 21st, 2021

FBI Energy and Water Conservation Investment Program – O. Huxley and E. Koprowski, April 2021opens in new window

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Energy Program Manager Olwen Huxley and FBI Environmental Program Manager Elizabeth Koprowski describe the FBI’s Energy and Water Conservation Investment Program (FEWCIP). Launched in FY 2018, FEWCIP allows Bureau facilities to competitively apply for energy efficiency project funds set aside by the FBI Finance and Facilities Division. Energy and water saving projects previously considered lower priority compared to more urgent facility needs can now be funded without using scarce sustainment dollars.

pdf file type June 20th, 2016

GSA Advanced Metering - ION EEM Status FY2015 - B. Wright, Jan. 2016opens in new window

GSA Public Building Service's Brian Wright describes how remote energy audits from First Fuel Analytics help GSA reduce its energy consumption.

pdf file type November 6th, 2023

GSA Reagan Building Decarbonization/Electrification Case Study – J. Kliem, October 2023opens in new window

John Kliem of Johnson Controls, provides an overview of GSA’s Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center’s (RRBITC) National Deep Energy Retrofit (NDER) ESPC project. John discusses the project details, the various ECMs and the results, which led to the project’s goal of electrification and decarbonization. For more information, visit https://www.gsa.gov/blog/2023/06/21/gsa-makes-electrifying-move-at-ronald-reagan-building-and-international-trade-center

pdf file type May 15th, 2024

GSA’s Total Workplace Program - C.Hardy Jan 2015opens in new window

GSA's office makeover to reduce energy, space, and rent while increasing workplace collaboration. Learn more at GSA's Total Workplaceopens in new window.

pdf file type August 11th, 2015

GSA's Sustainable Buildings Study Using Whole-System Thinking - JParisi, Nov. 2012opens in new window

A detailed study of building operational costs, including externalities, and what measures can reduce those costs.

pdf file type December 14th, 2017

ISWG REopt Tool: Overseas Buildings Operations – T. Evans and D. Shaffer, Dec. 2017opens in new window

Todd Evans and David Shaffer of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) share how they utilize NREL’s Renewable Energy Integration & Optimization (REopt) model to evaluate and prioritize solar photovoltaics projects at State locations around the world.
For more information on REopt, visit the REopt and REopt Lite Web Tool webpages at NREL. You can also download an overview of REopt and REopt Lite here.

pdf file type December 15th, 2022

NASA Sustainability Highlights – E. Mszar, November 2022opens in new window

Eugene Mszar of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains how NASA strategically manages its building portfolio to support the agency’s space exploration mission. To learn more, visit the NASA Office of Strategic Infrastructure homepage.

pdf file type September 29th, 2022

Net Zero Embassies – D. Shaffer, September 2022opens in new window

David Shaffer of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) describes the agency’s efforts to transform energy use and resilience at U.S. embassies worldwide, with particular focus on Embassy Koror in the Republic of Palau in the western Pacific. Electricity prices in Koror are among the world’s most expensive. By installing rooftop and carport solar photovoltaics and retrofitting campus lighting with highly efficient LEDs, Embassy Koror is set to become the State Department’s first Net Zero Energy embassy. To learn more, visit the OBO project portfolio website (https://oboportfolio.state.gov/).

pdf file type March 9th, 2023

Net Zero Labs Pilot – S. Hayter and S. Dixon, January 2023opens in new window

Sheila Hayter of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Sam Dixon of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) share details about the Net Zero Laboratories (NZL) Pilot Initiative, a four-lab collaboration that launched in May 2022. The pilot involves four national laboratories—NREL, INL, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)—across multiple campuses. The speakers describe the decarbonization technologies and approaches being taken by each of the four pilot partners. To learn more, read the initiative’s launch announcement on the DOE website; and visit NREL’s and INL’s NZL homepages.

pdf file type March 11th, 2016

Net Zero Partnerships - A. Morgan, July 2015opens in new window

"Net Zero Partnerships: Promoting Sustainability and Resiliency Through Net Zero Technology and Approaches." How the EPA works with other agencies, such as the Army, to advance Net Zero Energy, Water, and Waste initiatives. For more information, visit the EPA Web page, Promoting Sustainability through Net Zero Strategies.

pdf file type February 27th, 2024

NIST Gaithersburg’s Approach to a Solar PV Array Project – J. Bollinger, June 2020opens in new window

In this case study presentation, John Bollinger of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) explains how NIST developed an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) ENABLE energy sales agreement (ESA) task order award for a 5-megawatt solar photovoltaics (PV) array at its Gaithersburg, MD, campus.

For more information, see the NIST ESA case study/fact sheetopens in new window; the Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) ESA websiteopens in new window; and the ESPC ENABLE websiteopens in new window.

pdf file type April 27th, 2020

Recent Sustainability Successes for Veterans Affairs – A. Gilani, April 2020opens in new window

Asad Gilani, Portfolio Manager at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Energy Management Program, gives a run-down of sustainability progress at the agency, including significant energy and water savings and renewables growth even as hospital visits have grown. For more information, visit  https://www.energy.va.gov/.

pdf file type June 20th, 2016

Reclamation's Commissioning Initiative – Results and Best Practices - K. Whitford & P. Dawson - Nov. 2015opens in new window

Kerry Whitford and Patrick Dawson of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, present agency-wide training on Reclamation's Commissioning Initiative. Includes case studies of the Carl Hayden Visitor Center in Page, AZ; and the Folsom Civil Maintenance Facility in Folsom, CA.

pdf file type August 23rd, 2024

The Impact of High-Performance Buildings – D. Horn, July 2018opens in new window

Don Horn of GSA’s Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings summarizes the findings of GSA’s study of sustainable design in federal facilities, posted June 2018. This report compares FY 2015 – 2017 data for 100 high-performance federal buildings—those that meet the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings—to legacy federal building stock for which comparable data were available. It finds that high-performance buildings outperformed legacy stock in energy and water use, building operating expenses, landfilled waste, and overall tenant satisfaction. For more information, visit the report websiteopens in new window.

pdf file type August 11th, 2015

USDA: Sustainable Buildings – CBroad, Sep. 2013opens in new window

A look at how USDA is incorporating sustainability into their buildings.

building specific
pdf file type June 20th, 2024

ASHRAE HQ Building Case Study - D. Boyce, June 2024opens in new window

Darryl K. Boyce, past ASHRAE President from 2019 - 2020, provided a case study on the new ASHRAE headquarters building. The goal of the project was to renovate a 1970's building into a high-performing net-zero-ready facility in a cost-effective method that can be replicated in the industry. Darryl Boyce outlined the strategy and thought process involved in achieving the ambitious goals of the project, as well as the challenges and lessons learned.

pdf file type December 21st, 2016

Better Buildings Federal Award 2012 Winner: Reclamation's Desalination Facility - RShaw, SHolland, updated May 2015opens in new window

The Better Buildings Federal Award (BBFA) is awarded to the federal building that achieves the greatest percentage of energy intensity savings for a given year. The 2012 winner was the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility. This presentation looks at how the Bureau of Reclamation achieved an impressive 53.6% reduction in building energy intensity over its September 2011 baseline for this facility.

pdf file type August 22nd, 2024

Case Studies – Aim for Net Zero Oklahoma – S. Rutledge, August 2024opens in new window

Steve Rutledge, Performance Contract Program Manager, from GSA presented an overview of the FEWMA award winning Net-Zero Oklahoma project. The project implemented grid-interactive efficient building technologies, achieving near net-zero emissions and inspiring similar initiatives. Integrated into the building's systems, including a PV array, LED lighting, and battery energy storage system (BESS), the project demonstrated the feasibility and positive impact of grid-interactive efficient building technologies on efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings.

pdf file type May 31st, 2017

Case Study: NASA/Clark Energy Group JPL ESPC Contract – R. DeVelle and S. Rigdon, May 2017opens in new window

Bob DeVelle and Steve Rigdon of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory / CalTech describe the comprehensive energy savings performance contract (ESPC) at JPL that involved 120 buildings and will save nearly $1.2 million annually in energy costs.*
*This PDF contains speaker notes. Slides that include notes have a small icon at their top left. To view the notes, hover your cursor over the icon.
For more information, visit the 2016 FEMP Energy and Water Management Award Winners site and the NASA JPL web page.

pdf file type March 4th, 2024

Case Study: New U.S. Courthouse, Los Angeles, California – D. Allen, May 2018 opens in new window

Duane Allen of GSA’s Pacific Rim Region describes this AIA Top Ten award-winning design-build project in L.A., including its innovative "serrated façade” that cuts the solar heat gain of the building by nearly half. The building is on track to meet and even beat its aggressive target for energy use intensity. For more information, visit the 2018 AIA/COTE Top Tennon government site opens in new window website.

pdf file type February 7th, 2017

Data Center Efficiency: Partnering with DOE - S.Keppler, updated Mar. 2015opens in new window

An overview of DOE's Better Buildings Challenge to increase energy efficiency of data centers. Learn more at the Data Center Challenge Website.

pdf file type May 24th, 2018

Greening a Leased Office - L. Dawson, Nov. 2015opens in new window

Liz Dawson of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service describes how her team worked with GSA and the building owner to implement a number of energy and water conservation measures at the FWS Northeast Regional Office Building in Hadley, MA. This retrofit earned the Hadley FWS team a 2015 Federal Energy and Water Management Award

pdf file type August 11th, 2015

GSA and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI): Deep Energy Retrofits - C.Carmichael, V.Olgyay Mar. 2014opens in new window

An introduction to RMI and their energy efficiency work, looking at deep energy retrofits achieving at least 50% energy savings. Learn more about the Rocky Mountain Institute.

pdf file type March 4th, 2024

GSA Case Study: U.S. Land Port of Entry, Columbus, NM – E. Richter and D. Richter, December 2020opens in new window

Elizabeth Chu Richter and David Richter describe how their firm, Richter Architects, designed and delivered an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten award-winning expansion of the U.S. Land Port of Entry in Columbus, NM. Indirect overhead daylighting, rooftop solar photovoltaics, grassland restoration, and water harvesting to reduce irrigation in the desert environment are some of the design features that helped earn the project LEED Platinum certification.

For more information, see the AIA COTE Top Ten Showcase page for the Columbus LPOE projectnon government site opens in new window.

pdf file type August 11th, 2015

GSA's Demonstration Project: EPA Denver Headquarters - J.Heerwagen Jul 2013opens in new window

A close look at a high performance green building, concentrating on the building/occupant interface.

pdf file type August 11th, 2015

High-Performance Building Design and Case Studies - RCheng, updated Apr. 2015opens in new window

A comprehensive look at high performance building design and project delivery including three case studies: the Wayne Aspinall Federal Building & Courthouse, the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building and the Federal Center South Building.

pdf file type April 7th, 2024

NASA Ames Sustainability Base - SDianati, Nov. 2012opens in new window

A close look at NASA's Sustainability Base building, a 50,000 sq. ft. high performance office building.

pdf file type May 10th, 2017

Reclamation's Commissioning Initiative – Results and Best Practices - K. Whitford & P. Dawson - Nov. 2015opens in new window

Kerry Whitford and Patrick Dawson of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, present agency-wide training on Reclamation's Commissioning Initiative. Includes case studies of the Carl Hayden Visitor Center in Page, AZ; and the Folsom Civil Maintenance Facility in Folsom, CA.

pdf file type June 20th, 2016

USACE Seattle Headquarters – RThomas, Mar. 2013opens in new window

An in-depth look at the Federal Center South Building 1202, a high performance green building.

pdf file type October 12th, 2017

WELL Designed – Case Study: ASID Corporate Headquarters – Dr. S. Chung, Oct. 2017opens in new window

Dr. Susan Chung of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) explains how her organization’s headquarters became the world’s first space to earn platinum certification in both the WELL and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) systems. ASID continues to track wellness indicators at its headquarters over time to assess progress and determine areas that need improvement. For more information, visit the ASID website.

pdf file type January 13th, 2021

Zero-Net Energy Building Examples and Statistics – C. Higgins, updated Feb. 2015opens in new window

A look at zero-net energy buildings across the nation by number, type, size and ownership. Read the National Institute of Building Science article based on this data.

agency wide
pdf file type August 21st, 2024

Case Studies – Performance Contracting – M. Mungal, August 2024opens in new window

Michael Mungal, Federal Project Executive, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussed performance contracting and highlighted two National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) case studies. Each NREL showcased challenges and lessons learned in developing an energy performance contract.

industry wide
pdf file type February 27th, 2024

Laboratory Ventilation Management Program – O. Van Geet and T. Smith, March 2019opens in new window

Otto Van Geet of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Tom Smith of 3Flow introduce the concept of a Smart Labs Ventilation Management Program. Labs that optimize ventilation and exhaust systems can create safer, more efficient workplaces, realizing significant energy savings in the process.

For more information, visit the DOE Better Buildings Smart Labs Accelerator websiteopens in new window.

pdf file type February 27th, 2024

Liquid in the Rack: Liquid Cooling Your Data Centers – D. Sartor and O. Van Geet, March 2019opens in new window

Dale Sartor of Laurence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Otto Van Geet of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) provide an introduction to utilizing liquid cooling technologies to cool data centers, as well as an NREL case study showcasing the results of deploying such technologies at the lab’s Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) in Golden, CO.

For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Energy’s Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers, hosted by LBNLopens in new window; and visit the ESIF page on NREL’s websiteopens in new window.

pdf file type February 27th, 2024

Solar Decathlon 2020 Briefing – H. Carr, May 2019opens in new window

Holly Carr of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office (BTO) provides an update on recent changes to the Solar Decathlon program and previews upcoming events culminating in the next Solar Decathlon National Showcase, to be held in June and July 2020 in Washington, DC. For more information, visit the DOE Solar Decathlon siteopens in new window.

pdf file type October 5th, 2018

Solar PV in Severe Weather Locations: How Design, Construction and O&M Can Improve Survivability – G. Robinson and A. Walker, September 2018opens in new window

Gerald Robinson of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Andy Walker of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) discuss lessons learned and best practices for mitigating damage to solar photovoltaics (PV) systems, both before and after severe weather events. The slide deck provides a number of resources for more information, among them the FEMP fact sheet “Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Hurricanes and Other Severe Weather” and the Rocky Mountain Institute’s report Solar Under Storm: Designing Hurricane-Resilient PV Systems.