MGM Worldwide Television Distribution has boarded “The Devil Speaks – Eichmann’s Lost Confession,” a riveting documentary revealing a long-hidden, bombshell interview conducted by a Nazi journalist with Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.

Produced by Israel’s leading outfit Tadmor Entertainment and Steve Stark’s Toluca Pictures, “The Devil Speaks – Eichmann’s Lost Confession” will world premiere on opening night of Docaviv, the Tel Aviv-based documentary film festival, to mark the 60th anniversary of the Eichmann trial.

Yariv Mozer, a well-respected investigative documentary filmmakers whose credits include “Ben-Gurion, Epilogue,” was able to track down the original recording reels which had mysteriously disappeared for several decades. In the interview, Eichmann speaks candidly about his operational role during the holocaust, therefore contradicting the claims he made during his trial that was just a bureaucrat who fulfilled orders. The documentary also sheds light on the hidden motives that acted to conceal these recordings.

“The Devil Speaks – Eichmann’s Lost Confession” is produced by Kobi Sitt, who co-created the show with Mozer, as well as Stark, Emilio Schenker, Gideon Tadmor, Michael Schmidt, Russ McCarroll and Sigal Rosh. Alice Communications, MGM Television and Toluca Pictures are co-producing.

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KAN, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation, will premiere the series locally, while MGM will handle global distribution to the documentary.

“The Devil Speaks – Eichmann’s Lost Confession” is one of the 13 documentaries set to compete at Docaviv, Ran Tal’s Berlinale title “1341 Frames of Love and War” about Israel’s celebrated war photographer Micha Bar-Am; and Idit Avrahami and Noam Sheizaf’s “H2: The Occupation Lab” which is set in Hebron which fuels the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict The 24th edition of Docaviv will take place May 26 and June 5.

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