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buber.net > Basque > Euskara > 5th Lesson: Ez Zaigu Hilko Euskal Herria Ni Bizi Naizen Artean
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5th Lesson: Ez Zaigu Hilko Euskal Herria Ni Bizi Naizen Artean


(You will find a small vocabulary at the end of the lesson)

1. NOR-NORI AUXILIARY VERB (present tense)

This verb works *only* as an auxiliary, in *intransitive* sentences. There are two persons involved: the subject and the indirect object. Each one of these persons adds a mark into this auxiliary verb.


Iritsi ZAIT eskatu nuen liburua ("The book I requested has arrived to me") Subject: eskatu nuen liburua ("The book I requested") Indirect object (omitted): niri ("to me")

INDICATIVE (present tense)

        	Subject         Indirect Object

1. Ni   	NAtzai          	-T (-da)        (1.Niri)
2. Hi   	HAtzai          	-K/N (-a/-na)   (2.Hiri)
2. Zu   	ZAtzai  zki     	-ZU		(2.Zuri)
3. Hura         zai			-O		(3.Hari)
1. Gu   	GAtzai  zki     	-GU		(1.Guri)
2. Zuek  	ZAtzai  zki     	-ZUE    (-te)   (2.Zuei)
3. Haiek	zai     zki     	-E		(3.Haiei)

How does it work, this labyrinth?

Simple. It's an art of combinating the subject and the indirect subject. The forms of the subject in the third persons are *the most* used.

*Examples, from the first person to the third plural person:

- Zu ikustera etorri NATZAIZU [I came to see you]
- Hi ere, Ameriketara joan HATZAIGU [You too, left (us) for the Americas]
- Goizean goiz etorri ZATZAIKIT [You came to me very early in the morning]
- Kotxea hondatu ZAIGU [The car broke (to us)]
- Abisatu gabe agertu GATZAIZKIO [We showed up (to him) with no warning]
- Zuek ez ZATZAIKIDATE inoiz ondotik faltako [you guys will never go from my side]
-Txakurrak ihesi joan ZAIZKIT [The dogs escaped (to me)]


Nire izeba hil ........ , lanak itota (niri)
Ispilua apurtu ......... (zuri)
Beroagailua itzaldu ........ (haiei)
Goilarea mahai azpian erori ......... haurrari
Sardexkak ahaztu .......... zerbitzariari
Esne katilua hoztu ............ zuei
Lanpara erori ............ gainera (guri)
Kafeontzi bat tokatu .......... tonbolan (niri)
Bulegora joango ............ bila (ni zuri)
Egongelaraino sartu ............ galdetu gabe (gu zuei)
Telebista aurrean eseri ............ ezer esan baino lehenago (zu niri)
Umeak mahai inguruan ibili ............ erroskilen zai (guri)


Abisatu: to warn
Agertu: show up; appear
Ahaztu: to forget
Ameriketara: to the Americas (Amerika+etara)
Apurtu: to brake in small pieces
Artean: until... ; between
Aurrean: in front (of)
Baino lehenago: before + verb ("esan baino lehenago": before saying)
Beroagailu: stove
Bila: in search of...
Bizi: to live
Bulegora: to the office (bulego+ra)
Egongelaraino: up to the living room (egongela+raino)
Ere: also, too (adv.)
Erori: to fall
Erroskilen zai: waiting for the doughnuts (erroskila: doughnut; zai: waiting)
Esan: to say
Eseri: to sit
Eskatu: to ask
Esne: milk
Etorri: to come
Euskal Herria: Basque Country
"Ez zaigu hilko Euskal Herria ni bizi naizen artean": The Basque Country will not die while I am alive (from a basque song)
Ezer: nothing
Faltako: to be missing (fut.)
Gabe: without (abisatu gabe: with no warning)
Gainera: on (gure gainera: on us)
Galdetu: to ask
Goilarea: the spoon
Goizean goiz: very early in the morning (Goizean: in the morning; goiz: early)
Haurrari: to the child (haur+ari)
Hil: to die
Hil: to die (hilko: future tense of "to die")
Hondatu: to brake
Hoztu: to cold
Ibili: to walk
Ihesi joan: to scape
Ikustera: to see (purpose: as in "come to see the movie")
Inguruan: around ("mahai inguruan": around the table)
Inoiz: never
Iritsi: to arrive
Ispilua: the mirror (ispilu+a)
Itzaldu: to turn off; to extinguish
Izeba: aunt (also "izeko")
Joan: to go
Joango: to joan (fut.)
Kafeontzi: coffee pot
Katilua: the bowl
Kotxea: the car (kotxe+a)
Lanak itota: drown by work (from "lan+ak": work; "ito+ta": drown)
Lanpara: lamp
Liburu: book
Mahai azpian: beneath the table (mahai: table; azpian: beneath)
Naizen: relative form of verb IZAN (naiz + en)
Nire: my
Nuen: I had (past tense of DUT, the first person of verb UKAN, NOR-NORK)
Ondotik: from the side (ondo+tik)
Sardexkak: the forks (sardexka+ak)
Sartu: to enter
Telebista: television
Tokatu: to happen or obtain something by fortune
Tonbolan: in the raffle (tonbola+an)
Txakurrak: the dogs (txakur+ak)
Umeak: the children
zai: waiting
Zerbitzariari: to the waiter (zerbitzari+ari)

Note: Exercises will be corrected in the next lesson. You may ask questions on the newsgroup, somebody will sure answer. If you have any suggestions, please write us to


Maria S. Santisteban

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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!