Glossary - Abbreviations & Acronyms

Abbreviation Description
AAAC African-American Affairs Commission
AAC An Act Concerning
AAUP American Association of University Professors
ABS Automated Budget System
ACIR Advisory Commission of Intergovernmental Relations See also CACIR
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
AES Agricultural Experiment Station
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children
AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
AG Attorney General
AI Annual increment
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APAAC Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission
APO Administrative purposes only
APS Automated Personnel System
A&R Administrative and Residual Employees Union
ARRA American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009
BA Bill analysis
BAC Blood-alcohol content
BESB Board of Education and Services for the Blind
BEST Bureau of Enterprise Systems and Technology (formerly DOIT)
BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators
BOPP Board of Pardons and Paroles
BOR Board of Regents for Higher Education
BOSS Business Office Systems Support
BRS Bureau of Rehabilitative Services
BSAA Board for State Academic Awards
CACIR Connecticut Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations See also ACIR
CADPC Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission
CAA Connecticut Airport Authority
CAM Coastal Area Management
CAA Community Action Agency
CAS Central Accounting System
CASE Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
CB Committee bill
CCA Chief Court Administrator
CDA Connecticut Development Authority
CDHI Commission on Deaf and Hearing Impaired
CEAP Connecticut Energy Assistance Program
CEIS Connecticut Economic Information System
CEQ Council of Environmental Quality
CETC Connecticut Employment and Training Commission
CEUI Connecticut Employee Union Independent
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CGA Connecticut General Assembly
CGS Connecticut General Statutes
CHEFA Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority
CHESLA Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority
CHIF Connecticut Housing Investment Fund
CHRO Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
CID Connecticut Insurance Department
CI Connecticut Innovations
CJC Criminal Justice Commission
CJIS Criminal Justice Information System
CLJ Connecticut Law Journal
CME Chief Medical Examiner
COLA Cost of living adjustment
COLP Commission of Official Legal Publications
CON Certificate of Need
CONNDOT Connecticut Department of Transportation
CONNMAP Connecticut Medicare Assignment Program
CONNPACE Connecticut Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly
CPTC Connecticut Public Transportation Commission
CRA Community Reinvestment Act
CRB Compensation Review Board
CROG Capitol Regional Council of Government
CRRA Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority
CSAO Office of the Chief State's Attorney
CSEA Connecticut State Employees Association
CSEB Child Support Enforcement Bureau
CSG Council of State Governments
CSL Connecticut State Library
CSU Connecticut State University
CTF Children's Trust Fund
CTC Community Technical Colleges
CT-N Connecticut Network (Public Access Television)
CUTPA Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act
DAS Department of Administrative Services
DCJ Division of Criminal Justice
DCP Department of Consumer Protection
DCS Department of Construction Services
DDS Department of Developmental Services
DECD Department of Economic and Community Development
DEP Department of Environmental Protection (prior to 2011) see DEEP
DEEP Department Energy & Environmental Protection
DEMHS Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (prior to 2011) see DESPP
DESPP Department of  Emergency Services and Public Protection
DHE Department of Higher Education
DMHAS Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles
DOA Department of Agriculture
DOB Department of Banking
DOC Department of Correction
DOIT Department of Information Technology (prior to 2011)  See BEST
DOL Department of Labor
DOT Department of Transportation
DPH Department of Public Health
DPS Department of Public Safety (prior to 2011)  see DESPP
DPUC Department of Public Utility Control (prior to 2011)  see PURA
DPW Department of Public Works (prior to 2011) see DCS
DRS Department of Revenue Services
DSE Division of Support Enforcement
DSR Division of  Special Revenue (prior to 2011) renamed Gaming Division
DSS Department of Social Services
DUI Driving under the influence
DVA Department of Veterans' Affairs
E-CERT Emergency Certified (bill)
ECLF Energy Conservation Loan Fund
ECS Education Cost Sharing
ENGL Equalized Net Grand List
EO Executive Order (Governor)
ERISA Employees Retirement Income Security Act
ERG Education Reference Group
ESL English as a Second Language
EZ Enterprise Zone
FAC Finance Advisory Committee
FOI Freedom of  Information
FPL Federal Poverty Level
FWSN Family With Service Needs
FY Fiscal Year
GA Geographical Area (court)
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GF General Fund
GIS Geographic Information System
GMO Genetically Modified Organism
GO General Obligation (bonds)
HB House Bill
HJR House Joint Resolution
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HR House Resolution
IAC Investment Advisory Committee
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
IEP Individual Education Plan (special education)
IOLTA Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts
IS Independent System Operator (electric power grid)
IT Information Technology
ITS Information Technology Services (Legislative)
JCLM Joint Committee on Legislative Management
JD Judicial District (court)
JF Joint Favorable
JFES Jobs First Employment Services
JFS Joint Favorable Substitute
JRC Judicial Review Council
JSC Judicial Selection Commission
LPRAC Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission
LCO Legislative Commissioners' Office
LEP Limited English-proficient
LGO Lt. Governor's Office
IS Long Island Sound
LLR Legally Liable Relative
LOB Legislative Office Building
LOCIP Local Capitol Improvement Project
LRC Law Revision Commission
LRI Legislative Record Index
MAA Manufacturing Assistance Act
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
MDC Metropolitan District Commission
MER Minimum Expenditure Requirement
MERA Municipal Employees Relations Act
MERF Municipal Employees' Retirement Fund
MHA Mutual Housing Association
MIL Military Department
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
NCSL National Conference of State Legislators
NEBHE New England Board of Higher Education
NRZ Neighborhood Revitalization Zone
OAP Office of Adult Probation
OCA Office of the Child Advocate
OCC Office of Consumer Counsel
OCC Office of the Claims Commissioner
OCHA Office of Health Care Access
OE Other Expenses (budget)
OEMS Office of Emergency Medical Services
OFAAHE Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education
OFA Office of Fiscal Analysis
OGA Office of Governmental Accountability
OIC Occupational Industrial Center
OLM Office of Legislative Management
OLR Office of Legislative Research; Office of Labor Relations
OPA Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
OPM Office of Policy and Management
OTB Off-Track Betting
OTT Office of the State Treasurer
OSC Office of the State Comptroller
OSE Office of State Ethics
OSS Operations Support System
OVA Office of Victim Advocate
OVS Office of Victim Services
P3 Public Private Partnership
PA Public Act
PAC Political Action Committee
PCA Personal Care Assistance
PCA Probate Court Administrator
PCSW Permanent Commission on the Status of Women
P&D Planning and Development
PHA Public Housing Authority
PIC Private Industry Council
PILOT Payment in lieu of taxes
PIT Personal Income Tax
PL Public Law (Federal)
POST Police Officer Standards and Training
PPO Preferred Provider Organization
PR Pass retain
PRI Program Review and Investigations
PRIME Private Rental Investment Mortgage and Equity
PRUCOL Permanently resident under color of law
PS Personal Services (Budget)
PSRB Psychiatric Security Review Board
PT Pass temporarily
PUCA Public Utility Control Authority (prior to 2011) SEE PURA
PURA Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
RAP Rental Assistance Program
RB Raised bill
RBA Results Based Accounting
RCH Residential Care Home
RCEO Regional Council of Elected Officials
REIS Racial and Ethnic Impact Statement
REC Renewable Energy Credit
RESC Regional Educational Service Center
RFP Request for proposal
RFQ Request for quotation
RPA Regional Planning Authority
RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard
RRES Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation (crime)
SA Special Act
SAGA State Administered General Assistance
SB Senate Bill
SBE State Board of Education
SBLR State Board of Labor Relations
SBMA State Board of Mediation and Arbitration
SDE State Department of Education
SCRF Special capital reserve fund
SEBAC State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition
SEEC State Elections Enforcement Commission
SERF State Employees' Retirement Fund
SERS State Employees Retirement Service
SIF Second Injury Fund
SJR Senate Joint Resolution
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SOTS Secretary of the State
SPRB State Properties Review Board
SR Senate Resolution
SREC Solar Renewable Energy Credits
SSDI Social Security Di[s]ability Insurance
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSMF Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund
SSP State Supplement Program
STC State Traffic Commission
STEAP Small Town Economic Assistance Program
STF Special Transportation Fund
STO Special tax obligation (bonds)
TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TIA Transpiration investment area
TIC Targeted investment community
TNA Teacher Negotiation Act
TRB Teacher Retirement Board
TSF Teachers' Retirement Fund
TSB Transportation Strategy Board (prior to 2011)
UAPA Uniform Administrative Procedure Act
UC Unemployment Compensation
UCHC University of Connecticut Health Center
UCONN University of Connecticut
USC United States Code
V-T Vocational Technical (Schools)
WACO Water Planning Council
WCC Workers' Compensation Board
WIC Women, Infants and Children's' Food Program
YIC Youth In Crisis
YO Youthful offender
YSB Youth service bureau
ZBA Zoning Board of Appeals