Abbott Terrace Health Center to Close

September 16, 2024
Abbott Terrace Health Center is shutting down because the facility did not meet basic health and safety requirements. The federal agency that’s in charge of the long-term care facility will stop providing federal Medicare funding. Since most of the residents are Medicaid or Medicare recipients, Abbott Terrace has no choice but to close by October 10.

Athena Health Care is tasked with helping nearly 200 residents find, relocate, and transition to new living arrangements. According to the Connecticut Department of Public Health, it will monitor Abbott Terrace daily until the last resident has left the facility. The Long Term Care Ombudsman’s office will ensure residents’ rights are upheld and the relocation process moves smoothly. Residents will still be covered when they move to a facility that participates in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Nearly 300 people work at Abbott Terrace and are now scrambling to find a new job. My colleagues and I are working with several federal and state agencies, including the Connecticut Department of Labor, to get help before the facility closes in less than 30 days. These caretakers are like family to their patients since, in some cases, they’ve been together for years. We must find a way to ensure they find employment in a timely manner.

I am friends with dozens of patients and employees at Abbott Terrace Health Center, and it is my duty to help them in this dire time of need. I vow to work tirelessly to help everyone involved, whether it be finding new housing for patients or new employment for their caregivers. These folks are a fabric of the 75th district and their well-being is crucial to the vitality of our community.