"Kahn, I'm Laughing at your Superior Intelligence."
30 September 2001
"Kirk, my old friend!" With these words 62 year old Ricardo Montalban, as Kahn Noonien Singh, makes his presence known to the 51 year old James Tiberius Kirk, now an Admiral, in a dramatic performance all will remember for years to come.

This is probably the best of the Star Trek movies because it follows most closely the original concept of the television series. No fancy or tricky themes like saving whales or resurrecting Spock (If Spock can be resurrected then why does any Vulcan ever die?) Simply, just like Star Wars is in reality a "Western" story set in space, so is Star Trek. A bad guy wants to kill a good guy for money, greed, power, fame, or revenge. The good guy is always moral like Marshall Dillon and saves the day.

But, William Shatner needs an emotional counterpart as his adversary. Klingons are too shallow to meet this requirement. They only want to kill and capture. But the veteran actor Mr. Montalban is a favorite and well known to all from his Planet of the Apes and Fantasy Island performances. He is the most intense and challenging opponent for the always emotional James T. Kirk.

For Kahn, "revenge is a dish best served up cold!" Even when the end is obvious, you come away remembering Kahn's final lines as the Genesis Wave builds up for total destruction of the Star Ship Reliant, "No Kirk, the game's not over. To the last I will grapple with thee. No, no...you can not get away. From Hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spat my last breath at thee." Outstanding Mr. Montalban, outstanding acting and dying!

If the 51 year old Leonard Nimoy can be remembered in this film for one word, it would be "Remember" when he implanted his mantra into the brain of Doctor Leonard McCoy (the 71 year old doctor of the USS Enterprise). Jackson DeForest Kelley died in 1999 at the age of 79 years. As Dr. "Bones," DeForest Kelley plays the alter ego of James Kirk and advises him as his friend and physician to stop growing old and try to revert from being an Admiral back to a star ship Captain, Kirk's best destiny.

Both born in 1931, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are soul-brothers given that the Star Trek television series and movies cannot take place without them both. They story concept equally requires both these actors because it is through their collective stories that Star Trek takes place.

Upon dying, we remember Spock's last words, "Ship? Out of danger? Don't grieve, Admiral. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or, the one! I have been and always shall be -- your friend! Live long and prosper!"

James Montgomery Doohan was a 62 year old Montomery "Scottie" Scott. Nichelle Nichols was a 49 year old Cmdr. Nyota Uhura. Walter Koenig was a 46 year old Cmdr. Pavel Andreievich Chekov. George Takei was a 41 year old Cmdr. Hikaru Sulu. They all play their familiar roles. Paul Winfield was a 41 year old Capt. Terrell. Bibi Besch (Carol Marcus) and Capt. Kirk's old flame and mother is his son was 40 years old. Ms. Besch died in 1996. The young (23 year old) Merritt Butrick played Kirk's son, David Marcus. Mr. Butrick died in 1989. As the Vulcan, Lt. Saavik, Kirstie Alley was one of the youngest major stars at 31 years old. Her long hair was most becoming!

So, if you are a trekkie (and many secretly are) then you will watch this film time and time again as it keeps getting aired on cable TV.

Star Trek bridges the qualities of all living beings in the universe regardless of their race, gender, religion, national origin. This is an integrated show and serves as a role model for decent living with all life forms.

We would all do well to remember the eulogy for Spock given by James T. Kirk -- "Of my friend, I can only say that of all the life forms I have encountered in this universe, his was the most -- human!"

"Space, the final frontier."
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