Fine animation but the writing leaves a lot to be desired
7 October 2019
Netflix's Twelve Forever has an interesting albeit familiar premise, a modernized retelling of the Peter Pan story about a trio of middle schoolers who travel to a magical dimension to escape reality and eventual maturity where imagination is limitless and they have superpowers. Unfortunately, that last sentence pretty much covers it as far as depth is concerned, as the series often illustrates that the creators really did not put that much thought into beyond the idea for it.

Not long in it becomes quite apparent that this was meant to be for Cartoon Network as its trying to replicate the 'fantastical sitcom' approach of Adventure Time and Steven Universe, however its tonal balance is very uneven; sometimes they try to go big with the laughs, big with the drama, but it doesn't gel all well together. Almost every episode feels like it was based on a first draft...

The world, or in this case the island of, Endless is interesting but its all too random and doesn't have any cohesion or rules. And most of its inhabitants come across as rejects from Adventure Time.

Reggie, the lead character of the show, comes across like a brat a lot of the time and isn't very easy to latch onto. She and her friends all lack chemistry and do not play off of each other well to engage a viewer much.

Not the worst show ever, but more time in the writer's room needs to be spent for it really kick into high gear. Too bad they had to redo everything from the Cartoon Network short from a few years prior - it was a lot better and more thought out.
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