Star Trek: Voyager (1995ā€“2001)
Top 3 Trek TV series
8 March 2021
I just finished watching Voyager start to end over the last several months. Of course there are some misses at times but mostly it's very good and definitely gets better as it goes along. Adding Seven of Nine was a great move but Janeway and the heritage crew also get more interesting as time goes on.

For me TNG is always #1 for the amazing reboot they did and the first class acting including the master Patrick Stewart. DS9 is my #2 because it tried to do something different, darker and serialized, and it worked! Voyager a close #3 for doing it all without the usual Alpha Quad crew of Klingons, Vulcans, Cardassians, etc. They really had to start from scratch in the D Quad and they did a great job.

Thanks to the writers, cast and crew for making this series special and a very worthy journey for this viewer. I'm on to 'Enterprise' now which doesn't have a great reputation but just a few episodes in I'm enjoying it.

Live Long and Prosper!
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