Mary Poppins (1964) Poster


Karen Dotrice: Jane Banks



  • Jane : Oh, Bert, we're so frightened.

    Bert : Now, now, don't take on so. Bert will take care of you. Like I was your father. Now, who's after you?

    Jane : Father is.

    Bert : What?

    Michael : He brought us to see his bank.

    Jane : I don't know what we did, but it must have been something dreadful.

    Michael : He sent the police after us, and the army, and everything.

    Jane : Michael, don't exaggerate.

    Bert : Well now, there must be some mistake. Your dad's a fine gentleman and he loves you.

    Jane : I don't think so. You should have seen the look on his face.

    Michael : He doesn't like us at all.

    Bert : Well now, that don't seem likely, does it?

    Jane : It's true.

    Bert : Let's sit down. You know, begging your pardon, but the one my heart goes out to is your father. There he is, in that cold heartless bank day after day, hammed in by mounds of cold heartless money. I don't like to see any living thing caged up.

    Jane : Father in a cage?

    Bert : They makes cages of all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped, some of them, carpets and all.

    Jane : Father's not in trouble. We are.

    Bert : Oh. Sure about that, are you? Look at it this way. You've got your mother to look after you and Mary Poppins and Constable Jones and me. Who looks after your father? Tell me that. When something terrible happens, what does he do? Fends for himself, he does. Who does he tell about it? No one. Don't blab his troubles at home. He just pushes on at his job, uncomplaining and alone and silent.

    Michael : He's not very silent.

    Jane : Michael, be quiet. Bert, do you think father really needs our help?

    Bert : Well, it's not my place to say. I only observe that a father can always do with a bit of help. Come on, I'll take you home.

  • Jane : Mary Poppins, we won't let you go!

    Mary Poppins : Go? What on earth are you talking about?

    Michael : Didn't you get sacked?

    Mary Poppins : Sacked? Certainly not. I am never sacked!

    Jane : Oh, Mary Poppins!

    Jane , Michael : Hurrah, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray...

    Mary Poppins : Neither am I a Maypole. Kindly stop spinning about me.

  • Jane : [reading advertisement for a new nanny]  "Wanted: a nanny for two adorable children."

    Mr. Banks : Adorable. Well that's debatable, I must say.

    Jane : [singing]  If you want this choice position, have a cheery disposition...

    Mr. Banks : Jane, I don't...

    Jane : Rosy cheeks, no warts...

    Michael : That's the part I put in!

    Jane : Play games, all sorts. You must be kind, you must be witty, very sweet, and fairly pretty...

    Mr. Banks : Well of all the ridiculous...!

    Mrs. Banks : George, please!

    Jane : Take us on outings, give us treats, sing songs, bring sweets. Never be cross or cruel. Never give us castor oil or gruel. Love us as a son and daughter, and never smell of barley water.

    Michael : I put that in, too!

    Jane : If you won't scold and dominate us, we will never give you cause to hate us. We won't hide your spectacles so you can't see, put toads in your bed, or pepper in your tea. Hurry, nanny! Many thanks! Sincerely...

    Jane , Michael : Jane and Michael Banks!

  • Bert : All right, I'll do it myself!

    Mary Poppins : Do what?

    Bert : Bit o' magic!

    Michael : A bit of magic?

    Bert : It's easy! Let's see... You think.

    [he, Jane, and Michael do so] 

    Bert : You wink.

    [they do so] 

    Bert : You do a double blink.

    [they do so] 

    Bert : You close your eyes... and jump!

    [They jump onto the drawing, nothing happens] 

    Jane : Is something s'posed to happen?

    Mary Poppins : Bert, what utter nonsense!

    [gives an exasperated sigh] 

    Mary Poppins : Why do you *always* complicate things that are really quite simple? Give me your hand please, Michael. Don't slouch. One... two...

    [They jump into the chalk picture] 

  • Jane : Good morning, father!

    Mr. Banks : [grumbles]  'Morning.

    Jane : Mary Poppins taught us the most wonderful word!

    Michael : Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

    Mr. Banks : What on Earth are you talking about, supercal... super... or whatever the infernal thing is?

    Jane : It's something to say when you don't know what to say.

    Mr. Banks : Yes, well, I always know what to say.

  • [Uncle Albert had been asked if there is a way to get down from being up in the air] 

    Uncle Albert : There is a way. And frankly, I don't like to think of it, because you have to think of something sad.

    Mary Poppins : Then do get on with it, please.

    Uncle Albert : Let me see... I have the very thing: Yesterday, when the lady next door answered the door, there was a man there, and the man said to the lady, "I'm terribly sorry, I just ran over your cat."

    [Jane and Michael descend from being up in the air] 

    Jane : Oh, that is sad.

    Michael : The poor cat.

    Uncle Albert : And the man said, "I'd like to replace your cat." And the lady said, "That's all right with me, but how are you with catching mice?"

    [then they all burst out laughing and Jane and Michael re-ascend back to the tea table in the air] 

  • Bert : Bert'll take care of you, just like I was your own father. Now who's after you?

    Jane : Father is.

  • Jane : [tasting Mary Poppins' magic medicine]  Lime cordial, delicious!

    Michael : Strawberry! Mmm.

    Mary Poppins : Rum punch! Quite satisfactory.


  • Jane : An outing with father?

    Mary Poppins : Yes.

    Michael : I don't believe it!

    Jane : He's never taken us on an outing before.

    Michael : He's never taken us anywhere!

    Jane , Mary Poppins : However did you manage it?

    Mary Poppins : Manage what?

    Jane : You must have put the idea in his head somehow.

    Mary Poppins : What an impertinent thing to say! Me, putting ideas into people's heads? Really!

    Jane : Where's he taking us?

    Mary Poppins : To the bank.

    Jane : Oh Michael, the city! We'll see all the sights and father can point them out to us!

    Mary Poppins : Well, most things he can. Sometimes a person we love, through no fault of their own, can't see past the end of his nose.

  • [Andrew the dog comes up to Mary Poppins and starts barking] 

    Mary Poppins : Not so fast please, I can't understand a word you're saying.

    [Andrew barks slower] 

    Mary Poppins : Again? Oh, the poor man!

    [Andrew barks again and sneezes] 

    Mary Poppins : Bless you.

    [Andrew barks again] 

    Mary Poppins : Why yes, of course, there's not a moment to lose. I'll go straightaway! And thank you very much.

    [Andrew barks] 

    Jane : What did he say?

    Mary Poppins : He said 'You're welcome.'

    Jane : What else did he say?

    Michael : I don't think he said anything!

    Mary Poppins : You know best, as usual.

  • [Mary Poppins is leaving] 

    Michael : She doesn't care what happens to us.

    Jane : She only promised to stay until the wind changes. Isn't that right Mary Poppins?

    Mary Poppins : Will you be good enough to fetch my hatstand please?

    Jane : Mary Poppins, don't you love us?

    Mary Poppins : And what would happen to me, may I ask, if I loved all the children I said goodbye to?

  • Mary Poppins : Silence please, it's time to go to sleep.

    Jane : Oh we couldn't possibly go to sleep, so many lovely and excited things happened today!

    Mary Poppins : Did they?

    Jane : Yes! When we jumped into Bert's chalk picture!

    Michael : And we rode the merry-go-round, and the horses jumped off...

    Jane : And we all went riding down the country side!

    [they jump up and down shouting riding cries; Mary Poppins acts indifferent] 

    Mary Poppins : Really?

    Jane : Mary Poppins, don't you remember? You won the horse race!

    Mary Poppins : A respectable person like me, in a horse race? How dare you suggest such a thing!

    Michael : But I saw you do it!

    Mary Poppins : Now not another word or I shall have to summon a policeman! Is that clear?

  • Bert : Bert'll take care of you; like I was your own father. Now, who's after you?

    Jane : Father is.

    Bert : What?

  • [seeing Mary Poppins for the first time] 

    Michael : Perhaps it's a witch!

    Jane : Of course not - witches have brooms!

  • Mr. Banks : Winifred, where are the children?

    Mrs. Banks : They're not here, dear.

    Mr. Banks : What? Well, of course they're here! Where else would they be?

    Mrs. Banks : I don't know, George

    Mr. Banks : You don't know?

    Mrs. Banks : Well, they're missing. Katie Nanna has looked everywhere.

    Mr. Banks : Very well. I'll deal with this at once.

    [rolls up the telephone handle] 

    Mr. Banks : Give me the police station, quickly, please.

    Mrs. Banks : [interrupting]  I don't think we need bother the police, dear. The facts of the matter...

    Mr. Banks : Kindly do not attempt to cloud the issue with facts. One fact, and one fact alone is crystal clear! Katie Nanna's faltered at her post. She's let the family down. And I shall bring her to boo... oh. She's left us, hasn't she?

    Mrs. Banks : Yes, dear, only just.

    Mr. Banks : What, uh... yes. George Banks here. Yes. 17 Cherry Tree Lane. It's a matter of some urgency. I should like you to send a policeman around immediately.

    Mrs. Banks : [she heard a ring on the doorbell and opens the door]  The policeman's here, George!

    Mr. Banks : What? Oh, how very prompt. What wonderful service. Thank you so much. Good night.

    [he hangs up] 

    Mr. Banks : Come in, constable. Come in.

    Constable Jones : Thank you, sir. While going about my duties on the other side of the park, I noted some valuables that had gone astray. I believe they're yours, sir.

    Mr. Banks : Valuables?

    Constable Jones : [to the children]  Come along, now. Come along.

    [as the children came back home after flying a kite in the wind] 

    Mrs. Banks : Jane! Michael!

    Mr. Banks : [hushed]  Winifred, please don't be emotional.

    Constable Jones : Oh, I wouldn't be too hard on 'em, sir. They've had a long, weary walk today.

    Mr. Banks : Children, come here at once.

    [Jane and Michael came close to his father] 

    Mr. Banks : Well?

    Jane : I'm sorry we lost Katie Nanna, Father.

    Michael : You see, it was windy.

    Jane : And the kite was too strong for us.

    Constable Jones : In a manner of speaking, sir, it was the kite that ran away, not the children.

    Mr. Banks : Thank you, Constable. I think I can manage this.

    Jane : Actually it wasn't a very good kite. We made it ourselves.

    Michael : Perhaps if you helped us to make one...

    Constable Jones : Ah, that's the ticket, sir. Kites are skittish things. Why, only last week with me own youngsters...

    Mr. Banks : I'm very grateful to you, Constable, for returning the children. And I'm sure that if you go to the kitchen, Cook'll find you a plate of something.

    Constable Jones : Thank you, sir. I shall now return to my duties.

    Jane : Thank you, Constable.

    Constable Jones : Good night, miss. Good night, ma'am. Good night, sir. Cook'll find me something. I never...

    [he leaves the banks residence] 

    Mrs. Banks : [closes the door]  I'm awfully sorry about this, George. I'll expect you'll want to discuss it.

    Mr. Banks : I would indeed! Ellen, take Jane and Michael upstairs straightaway.

    Ellen : Yes, sir.

    [took Jane and Michael upstairs to their room] 

    Ellen : I knew it. When all's said and done, who bears the brunt of everything around here? Me, that's who! They don't want an honest, hard-workin' girl around here. They need a ruddy zookeeper.

See also

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