
60 Reviews
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Psycho (1998)
The best remake ever. One of the year's best.
5 December 1998
Being that the original is my all-time favorite, I had certain doubts about this remake. There were some changes from the original movie. However, if it was a 100% replica of the original, it would have been pointless. The fact that some things were added and changed gave it a fresh appearance. Ironic, isn't it? All of the new stars excelled in their roles. Vince Vaughn made a convincing Norman Bates. Anthony Perkins wouldn't be turning in his grave. Anne Heche was wonderful as the ill-fated shower victim, I wish Janet Leigh shared my enthusiasm. Now, I really love the idea of them remaking it because it had the same effect it had back in 1960. It's not better than the original, and as the filmmakers said,"We're not trying to make it better, we're complementing it." That was absolutely correct. The fact that Gus Van Sant and the cast came forward and made such a bold and risky project makes me have so much respect for them because they're pushing the envelope. That's what filmmaking's all about. My friends now want to watch the original because of how well-made the remake was. It's almost as good as the original, my congratulations to Gus Van Sant, Vince Vaughn, Anne Heche and the rest of the cast and crew for a job well-done. Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud.
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The Waterboy (1998)
One of the year's VERY WORST movies. Equivalent to fingernails on a chalkboard.
3 December 1998
I believe in giving bad movies a chance. I wanted to like "The Waterboy" and I went in with a positive attitude. Then... Adam Sandler spoke. I can't tell you how much I cringed whenever he spoke. I have lived in the South and no one is that ridiculous in their accent. This is, by far, his absolute worst movie. His ONLY funny movie was "Bulletproof," and that wasn't even that good. The only person I was interested in was Kathy Bates because she is one of my favorite actresses. I don't know what she was thinking when she signed on to do this movie. Thank God she wasn't bad in her role. Other than her, I couldn't care less for anyone else in the film. There were some funny lines and the football scenes were pretty brutal, but that DOES NOT make up for bad writing and REALLY bad acting. There were times when I was bored. Sandler doesn't have the charisma or acting ability to play a lead role. He would only work as a supporting character, like the obnoxious best friend. Why can't he be as funny as he is in his CD's? His CD's are absolutely hilarious. I have lost all respect for Sandler with this film, and I can't BELIEVE it made this much money, it's ridiculous. "The Waterboy" is the 2nd worst movie of the year, after the extremely atrocious "I Got The Hookup." There is nothing worse than an unfunny comedy. Well, maybe torture; but, then I would take that over watching "The Waterboy" any day of the week.
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Set It Off (1996)
An emotional, powerful and exciting motion picture experience.
1 December 1998
The performances of the four main characters and F. Gary Gray's direction make this film work. This is one of the best action films ever made. I have grown a big respect for Queen Latifah in this role, she is a wonderful actress. Let's not forget Jada Pinkett, Vivica Fox and, then, newcomer Kimberly Elise, for turning out some of the best performances of their careers. This is the first time I've gotten emotionally involved with the characters during a bank robbery. This movie will leave a lasting effect on anyone who witnesses it.
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One of the most f***ed up moves I have ever seen!
29 November 1998
Oh, my God, this has got to be one of the most f***ed up movies ever! I loved it. The fact that I laughed hysterically makes me wonder about my mentality, but knowing this was a black comedy made it funny. If it was played serious, it would be rather frightening. The performances worked. Peter Berg proves he can make a good movie. Cameron Diaz made a breakthrough here, like in "There's Something About Mary." Christian Slater finally has a good movie since "Untamed Heart." I plan on seeing this movie again because the premise was interesting, the humor was psychotic and it really makes one think about the consequences of covering up.
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Home Fries (1998)
Cute, funny and twisted.
29 November 1998
I really liked this movie because the story knocked me off guard. I liked Drew Barrymore here, better than her performance in "The Wedding Singer." Luke Wilson, of "Bottle Rocket" and "Scream 2," was very strange throughout the movie. I would like to see him in a movie side-by-side with David Arquette, not counting "Scream 2." Catherine O'Hara seemed to have fun with her role in another great part. The plot is a little strange but interesting and I really got drawn into it, more than I thought I would. I recommend this film.
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A harrowing and powerful experience, the best of the year.
22 November 1998
Wow. I was intensely blown away by this film. It's so raw and realistic that I had butterflies in my stomach for an hour after I left the theatre. Edward Norton gives the best performance of his career, Oscar-caliber, bigger and better than his excellent debut performance in "Primal Fear." Edward Furlong redeemed himself from "Pecker," an awful experience. He's come a long way since "Terminator 2," however, like Leonardo DiCaprio, he needs to reach puberty for me to truly accept him in a role like this. Guy Torry broke out of the stereotypical role and developed a character I cared about. The flashbacks filmed in black and white made those scenes stand out, giving off an expression that cannot be forgotten. This film had a bigger impact on me than this year's "Saving Private Ryan." "American History X" is the year's best film, then "Meet Joe Black" and "Your Friends And Neighbors."
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22 November 1998
This is, without a doubt, the most disgusting, most vile thing I have ever seen. I thought I had a very strong stomach. Oh, dear Lord, I have never felt so violated in my entire life. By the film getting ONLY an NC-17 rating, John Waters got off so easily! The very last scene, with the dog, is the most vomit-inducing scene I have ever seen. I don't know if I like it or not. I just know that I would think long and hard about seeing this movie again.
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Well made and acted thriller.
21 November 1998
Will Smith flexed his acting muscles and turned out one of the most impressive thrillers of the year. This film was actually quite scary, in terms, of how technologically advanced the government is. A tip of the hat to the supporting players in this film also. A highly recommended film for people who want to see a side of Will Smith that doesn't always involve snappy one-liners.
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"Lightning has struck!" The year's best film, so far.
20 November 1998
This is such a beautifully made film, the best film of the year, so far. Brad Pitt gives his best performance since "12 Monkeys." Anthony Hopkins gives, (surprise surprise), another excellent performance. If the academy doesn't consider him for another Oscar, I lose all faith in them. Claire Forlani, a very beautiful woman with a very exotic name, gives an impressive performance. She has matured so much since I first saw her in "Mallrats." My motto is that sometimes less is more. That might seem like an oxymoron when it comes to this film's time length. What I mean is, that the longing looks between Brad and Claire said so much more than actual dialogue. I found myself getting caught up in their emotions, or perhaps there were things going on in my mind at the time. In any effect, the scenery is beautiful throughout. Each scene is lit perfectly and made it appear much more elegant. The love scene between Brad and Claire was very sensual. I would compare this film to Martin Brest's other great achievement, "Scent Of A Woman." The performances, the scenery, the cinematography, the score and the dialogue has made this the year's best film and one of the greatest romances of all time.
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The best horror film this year, so much better than original by far.
14 November 1998
I don't get it. This film is getting some of the worst reviews of the year. This film was phenomenal. However, the film should have been titled, "I Still Know What You Did That Summer." I thoroughly enjoyed this more than the awesome "Halloween: H20." Granted, it really didn't scare me very much, but it was pounded over the head with suspense all the way through. Everyone's downing the performances, I thought they were great. Jennifer Love Hewitt was very convincing in her role as the traumatized victim. She never overacted, which is typical for a horror film. Her character has really developed and grown since the original. She is much stronger and it was a joy to watch her make that transition. I find her an amazing actress. She has a wonderful presence in "Party Of Five" as she does here. I have seen so many horrible actresses lately: for instance, Maria Pitillo (Godzilla) and Denise Richards (Starship Troopers). Brandy was fine also. She got the most negative criticism for her performance. I felt she brought what she needed to the role. Basically, it was Brandy being Brandy, and she really didn't need anything else. Considerably, I am no dummy. Right now, I'm an acting student at University Of Illinois, so I know bad acting when I see it. There was none in this picture. Plus, it's a horror film. Don't expect "Saving Private Ryan." That's not what it's made for. It's just a horror film, a superior at that. This film blew the original right out of the water. Compared to this, "I Know What You Did Last Summer" was crap. For once, Kevin Williamson was outdone, dramatically. Also, so what that the film left it open for a sequel. I knew before then and I still loved it. This is the best horror film to come out since "Scream." However, I have concluded one thing. This film wasn't really about the killer. It was about Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts. I haven't seen so much cleavage in a film in a long time. I'm not complaining. Jennifer's the most beautiful young woman in Hollywood, no joke. She combines beauty and brains in this motion picture and I would see it again in a heartbeat. I'm standing strong by this review, and if anyone has a problem with it, we can't talk about it if it really bothers you.

***1/2 of ****.
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The Crush (1993)
Sexy and suspenseful...
13 November 1998
Being that I was 13 when I first seen this film, "The Crush" may be a piece of crap today. But when I saw it then, it was my favorite thriller that year. It's still one of my favorites now. Alicia Silverstone was the object of my searing affection and I was seriously concerned about the opposite sex and the capabilities of a "Fatal Attraction" clone.
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Shattered (1991)
10 November 1998
There are so many twist, turns, shocks and surprises in this film, I can't keep up. There are moments of sheer suspense with great performances and great direction of Wolfgang Peterson. A truly solid thriller recommended for anyone.
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Mulan (1998)
One of the best Disney films I've seen...
9 November 1998
This is one of the best Disney films I have ever seen because it had the story, the perfect voices and the beautiful scenery. The film didn't have very memorable songs, but then, it is not a musical. Eddie Murphy added a great vocalization to his part without being extremely annoying. However, it did seem out of place for the voice of his character to be in China.
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Deep Impact (1998)
Effective and poignant.
9 November 1998
Although the film wasn't extremely action-packed, I admired the fact that it dealt with plot and the characters. Possibly, there was too much plot and conflicts, but at least none of the characters were incredibly stupid. Morgan Freeman did an excellent job as the President, the best portrayal ever. The ending was powerful and exciting, but it could have been longer, but who's complaining?
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9 November 1998
Even though it was a beautifully made film with great performances and soundtrack, the film is entirely too quiet and is mostly consisted of longing looks into eyes.
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Armageddon (1998)
Action-packed, funny and touching.
9 November 1998
This was a very entertaining movie that, yes, was loud and confusing. But I got what I came for. Unfortunately, Bruce Willis needs a career makeover because he plays the exact same character in basically every movie he does, except the superior "Mortal Thoughts." The script wasn't Academy Award material, but that's not what it was made for. It had astonishing special effects and decent performances. I, particularly, liked Ben Affleck's performance, especially at the ending. Seeing Ben Affleck cry made me sob like a little bi***, and I'm not afraid to admit it because it really touched. Despite what everyone else said, this IS one of the best films of the summer, compared to the similarly-themed DEEP IMPACT.
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Pecker (1998)
There's Something About John Waters' "Pecker."
5 November 1998
Gee, I don't know about this one. Edward Furlong seemed kind of shallow in this role. I love Christina Ricci yet her amazing talent was sort of wasted here. She's on her way to become this year's indie queen, last year it was Parker Posey. In a way, the entire cast is misplaced. I'm not familiar with John Waters' style but I will say this: it features the most tasteless and unappetizing frontal nude shot in history. It had some funny moments, but it lacks a real viewpoint.
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Vampires (1998)
Entertaining. Carpenter's best since "Halloween."
5 November 1998
This was surprisingly entertaining, giving the slew of horror films coming our way. James Woods delivered as usual. The surprise for me was the performance of Sheryl Lee. I've always thought she was a great, sexy actress since "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me." She has a great way with terrified expressions. This was better than "Blade," because this had more convincing special effects and I didn't fall asleep. This is John Carpenter's best since "Halloween."
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Pleasantville (1998)
One of the year's best!
5 November 1998
This was such a sweet-natured motion picture, turning in sensational performances by the entire cast in an unforgettable experience. Tobey Maguire upgrades himself to leading man status. This is Jeff Daniels' best role in years. Him and Joan Allen make the cutest couple of the year. I wish Reese Witherspoon did more because she's an intelligent actress, just rent "Freeway." And let's not forget a wonderful farewell to J.T. Walsh. William H. Macy was stellar also, I can't wait to see him in "Psycho." This was SO MUCH better than the over-hyped "The Truman Show." This had better performances and storyline that lands it also on my all-time list.
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The funniest comedy ever!
27 October 1998
The best thing about this film is that I knew nothing about it before I saw the sneak preview. I have never been so shocked before in my life. I laughed so hard, my contacts popped out of my eyes. However, I made the mistake of watching this with my very conservative parents. Thank God, they enjoyed it as much as I did, and thanked me for a great time. Too bad everyone tells everyone else the good parts. Finally, Ben Stiller is being recognized for the great actor he is. Cameron Diaz shines again, however, I could have lived without Lee Evans. He is not the greatest actor.
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The best mixture of action and comedy of the series.
27 October 1998
There are some unforgettable action sequences in this film that ranks with the best of the series. The one-liners are among the funniest I have ever heard. I liked Chris Rock in this when, for a while, I found him pretty annoying. This is, hopefully, the last of the series, judging from the closing credits. This is the best action series in history and a great way to end it.
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One of the year's very best.
27 October 1998
This is a visually effective war film, the best I have ever seen. The actors were top-notch. Finally, Edward Burns will get recognized for the brilliant talent he is. Tom Hanks gave a better performance here than in "Forrest Gump." Usually, I hate watching movies that are three hours long, but watching this film, I wanted it to be longer. A much better film than the OVERLY-HYPED "Titanic." This is Steven Spielberg's very best motion picture. If there was a movie to sweep the Oscars this year, I hope it will be "Saving Private Ryan."
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Touching, the best romance of 1998, so far.
27 October 1998
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. Jennifer Aniston proved herself to be a serious actress. Paul Rudd did a magnificent job. Despite critics and other audience members alike, this is one of my all-time favorite romances, particularly because it didn't have a Hollywood ending.
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An underrated experience.
27 October 1998
This is one of the best films of the summer. Antonio Banderas shines brightly as Zorro in this much-hyped, but critically-bashed motion picture. Anthony Hopkins was great, as usual. The best character in the film was not the Zorros, but the extremely beautiful and extremely talented Catherine Zeta-Jones. The best scenes in this movie were between her and Antonio; the dance sequence, the "confession" and their sword-fighting scene. A great chapter in the history of Zorro.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Did anyone notice...
27 October 1998
Did anyone notice that, while Godzilla was demolishing New York to shreds, the President was never involved? This is one of the many flaws in this awful film.
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