
11 Reviews
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Urbania (2000)
Urbania is highly recommended.
2 June 2001
Good films I will see two or three times in the theatre. Really good films, like Urbania, I will watch several more times on video. God bless the advent of video and DVD for cinephiles like myself. This is one work, as someone else noted, that begs for multiple viewings. Not only for it's entertainment value, but because it allows one to see just how cleverly this film keeps its secret until it's the right time to reveal itself. It also gives one the chance to see a beautiful and complex performance by Dan Futterman.

But there is one scene with Futterman and Alan Cummings which shines like a tiny diamond in the center of Urbania. While the scene fits neatly and contributes to the flow of the story, it is so well written and acted that it feels to me almost like a separate entity. Alan Cumming packs so much subtextual information into the turn of a phrase and a facial expression that it's breathtaking.

While it's not an easy film to watch due to the subject matter, it is intriguing. Oh yes, and also remarkable is Lothaire Bluteau's (Bent, I Shot Andy Warhol, Being at home with Claude) moving portrayal of a homeless man.

Urbania is highly recommended.
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The Hunger (1983)
Hunger Pangs
31 May 2001
Deneuve was an inspired choice to play Miriam Blaylock, the impossibly beautiful creature created by Whitley Strieber in his novel The Hunger. After almost twenty years, I can still think of no other actress who could capture her the way she does. Deneuve and the exquisite Blaylock home are the best things about the film. Unfortunately, in the translation to film, the rest of the story loses much of it's brilliance. Any fan of the book will know what I mean. Because of this, I don't care for the film. The New Wave/Goth element seems little more than a gimick and Bowie's John Blaylock plays about as well as Tom Cruise's Lestat (I like Tom Cruise, but he's not Lestat). Again, having been a rabid fan of the novel probably spoiled the film for me. I ache to think what could have been had they steered more towards the original material.
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The Skewered Hearts Club
22 May 2001
BITB is classic film from the early post-stonewall period; an awesome display of claustrophobic emotional cannibalism. With nary a wasted line, it's incredible to see how much character development the writer crams into every inch of dialogue. There are great performances here, especially by Gorman, Nelson and Greene. Packing a wallop similar to 1966 "Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf," this is a must see, and great first step, for anyone interested in gay cinema. After a birthday party drifts desperately out of bounds, this group of gay males, and two in particular, proceed to rip each other to shreds. The storm and resulting damage on the apartment terrace mirrors the storm and damage to the lives inside. Michael's comment to Donald, "If we could just learn not to hate ourselves quite so very much," seems a lesson equally relevant to the gay community at large in the early seventies. When viewed next to a more recent film with vaguely similar premise, The Broken Heats Club, it seems like we might just have been paying attention. But make no mistake, Boys in the Band is not your daddy's Broken Hearts Club.
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A Kinder Gentler Boys in the Band
19 May 2001
In twenty or so years of watching "gay" cinema, this is one of my favorite films. It's a kinder, gentler Boys in the Band. The writing is engaging and I admire the way Mr. Berlanti is able to choreograph so many characters through personal crisis and on towards satisfactory resolutions. There are only two things which I had trouble with. First, since when is a restaurant kitchen so quiet, clean and empty with a full dining room? Okay, granted it's a small point but anyone who has worked in kitchens will relate. My second problem is with the soundtrack CD. I like all the tracks but it doesn't include some of the better songs in the movie and does include many extended dance mixes that are not in the film. Its saving grace is that it does include the heartachingly beautiful remake of Close To You by Mary Beth Maziarz. See this film several times. To paraphrase a line from Benji, "My Dad would like this film."
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Beefcake (1998)
funny, silly, sad
6 February 2000
entertaining film. peace's naivete and macivor's enthusiasm never waiver as the story unfolds. a visually engaging film! interesting use of archival photos and real life interviews with several of the actual players in the story. do not leave before the end credits are completely finished.
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Jaques Godin gives another fine performance!
15 September 1999
I rented this film to see Jaques Godin, who was so great in "Salut Victor." This is a very different film and role. Edgy and aggressive, this dark psychological drama centers around the confession by a street hustler of the brutal and puzzling murder of his lover. Godin's performance is aggressive, rapid fire and dynamic. It's often apparent when a film is an adaptation of a play and it so it is with this one. While black and white flashbacks effectively illustrate the details of the confession, the focus is on the dialogue and writing. For American viewers the images are just different enough to be intriguing.
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just as queer as you wanna be!
30 August 1999
Fun movie, I liked it the more it went on. By the last love scene between the lead and Rod, my friend and I were wondering when did this guy get so nelled out? Then we remembered "The BAR!" the "barfectations" were perfect as were the clothes and hair. Appreciated the fact that the writers threw in some of the bitterness that can accompany coming out, first loves, and the best friend/girlfriend. This best friend/girlfriend was spectacular. One user commented that Tina reminded him of a young Meryl Streep. Hell, I'm betting she's Streep's daughter incognito under a different name than her father's. The similarities are uncanny! She's the star of this show, along with Delaria, of course, who we should all be so fortunate to have as our big gay mama...
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just as queer as you wanna be!
30 August 1999
Fun movie, I liked it the more it went on. By the last love scene between the lead and Rod, my friend and I were wondering when did this guy get so nelled out? Then we remembered "The BAR!" the "barfectations" were perfect as were the clothes and hair. Apreciated the fact that the writers threw in some of the bitterness that can accompany coming out, first loves, and the best friend/girlfriend. This best friend girlfriend was spectacular. One user commented that Tina reminded him of a young Meryl Streep. Hell I'm betting she's Streeps daughter incognito under a different name than her father's. The similarities are uncanny! She's the star of this show, along with Delaria, of course, who we should all be so fortunate to have as our big gay mama...
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In the Gloaming (1997 TV Movie)
A Boy and his Mom
17 July 1999
Such a quiet and gentle film. All the action revolves around this family's domestic routines; meals served in the backyard overlooking the pond, wheelchair promenades down beautiful country roads and intimate conversations between mother and son basking in the gloaming (the last hour of daylight). It is during these moments that Close and Leonard absolutely shine. This is very much a story about a boy and his mom. All other relationships are secondary until the end of the film. Family relationships can be complicated, especially when one is dying. The stoic and reserved nature of the characters response to the gay son's health crisis is compelling.

A nice turn by Whoopi Goldberg as the live-in nurse who re-teaches the mother to physically care for and interact with her adult son.Pay special attention to the death scene (and I'm not really giving anything away here) and notice the characters breathing. It is a wonderful symbolic representation of one life ending and another being "reborn".
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Salut Victor (1989)
Yes Virginia, Gay Men Do Grow Old.
17 July 1999
Is it unfair to say the gay community is youth obsessed? One might get that opinion looking at marketing towards this group, films included. Salut Victor exquisitely portrays the love and friendship that develops between two men, both residents in an old folks home. They are truly a gay odd couple in the latter years of their lives. One is brash, garrulous and completely (intentionally) oblivious to other people's personal boundaries. The other is painfully closed, repressed and isolated. During their short-lived relationship each embraces the other lending their best qualities. I was awed by the way the couple savored every moment no matter how small. Whether sipping the last drops of liquor from a flask, or delighting in merely spending a few moments together. There seems to be a lesson here about cherishing the people and events in our lives. Salut Victor is a must see for all who seek a well rounded, fully representative experience in queer cinema. (video rental)
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Evil Undefined
16 July 1999
Saw this film in the theatre today. Absolutely chilling. There is nothing to fear but what is in your head and that can be extremely disturbing. very original. The ending was stunning. highly recommended to all horror lovers.
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