Virtual Business Emergency Operations Center

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A large-scale disaster anywhere in the state could disrupt normal operations and affect employees of any business. Every business in South Carolina should have continuity and safety plans in place prior to a major incident.

Preparing Your Business for COVID-19

Emergency Support Function (ESF) 24 is supporting the business community in monitoring and preparing for any impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Preparation and planning are key to ensuring employee safety and to minimize business interruptions. Businesses should stay informed on the latest COVID-19 developments provided by both SCDHEC and the CDC. Both sites provide helpful information for business operations and continuity planning.

MUSC is offering free virtual care screenings to anyone experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms located in South Carolina.    

SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus

Please email [email protected] for help with issues related to business and industry support.  

Business Reentry

To qualify for the State Business Reentry Program, a business must be registered and found in good standing with the SC Secretary of State’s Office. If found in good standing, a business will then receive a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that is good for three years. The program is free and is administered by the SC Emergency Management Division and the SC Department of Commerce. To register, please click here. The process should take no more than five minutes to complete.

Under the reentry legislation, local officials and law enforcement retain the right to restrict access to areas in order to protect and preserve life, health, and safety. We highly recommend reaching out to your local emergency management office, as some counties have their own reentry program. The state program does not supersede the county program.

Please note: There are three categories of business that are not required to register with the SC Secretary of State Office and therefore, will not receive an MOA: Sole Proprietorships, General Partnerships, and Federal Banks. While they will not receive an MOA, they can be added to the Emergency Support Function (EFS) – 24 Business & Industry disaster update listserv. To be added, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the company name, contact name(s), county, and contact e-mail address and phone number you would like added.

Business Continuity Planning and Events

It is important for businesses to plan and prepare for any type of emergency that could affect normal operations and employees, whether it be hurricanes or a cyber-attack. A large-scale disaster anywhere in the state could disrupt normal operations for any business. Any amount of downtime is a loss of production and a loss of revenue.


  • 33% of businesses have no disaster recovery strategy.
  • 33% with plans were still unprepared for a disaster.
  • 75% of small businesses have no disaster recovery strategy.
  • 40% of small businesses never reopen following a disaster.

These statistics are why it is so important for every business to have continuity and safety plans in place prior to a major incident. It can mean all the difference between the business reopening, or closing permanently.


Atlantic Business Continuity Services: Provides one-on-one business continuity counseling for your company.

Contingency Planning Association of the Carolinas (CPAC)


Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety  (free app available for Android, Apple and Google devices)

SC Insurance Association

SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP)


SC Small Business Development Centers  (see Recovery Client Guide section)


In the wake of a disaster, financing can become a major issue for the business community.  These issues may relate to actual physical damage, or to economic impact caused by reduced sales, interruptions to the supply chain, or other disruptions to cashflow.

The Small Business Development Centers are available immediately post-disaster to assist companies with financial analysis and cashflow planning.  They operate as a consultancy and are available at no cost to the businesses. 

Financial Resources:  

  • Insurance proceeds
  • Commercial banks and other standard bank options
  • Regional financing through organizations like the Council of Governments Revolving loan Funds (RLFs)
  • SBA Disaster Loan program – Physical Damage Loans  
  • SBA Disaster Loan programs – Economic Injury Loans  
  • USDA – Farm Service Agency – Farm related financing needs resulting from the disaster
Listserv Subscription

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American Red Cross – Ready Rating: This program helps organizations become better prepared to respond to a disaster and other types of emergencies.

Contingency Planning Association of the Carolinas (CPAC): An association that promotes the importance of continuity planning for business and helps identify vendor resources.

FEMA: Outlines how a business can become better prepared, and provides toolkits and videos.

Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (free app available for Android, Apple and Google devices): Offers a free toolkit to create a business continuity plan for any type of business disruption.

Restore Your Economy: Ways a business community can engage in disaster preparedness.

Small Business Administration: What a business should consider when preparing for emergencies, includes checklists and safety tips.

SBDCNet National Information Clearing House: Provides information on business preparedness and disaster loans.

SC Insurance Association: Can assist with questions regarding specific insurance companies.

SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP): Help companies improve in areas of workforce development, supplier development, innovation and growth, and sustainability.

SCORE: Assists small business in becoming better prepared for business disruptions, includes checklists for a multitude of potential emergencies and information on federal resources.

SC Small Business Development Centers (see Recovery Client Guide section): Provides free consulting to small business on ways to minimize losses and increase survivability, and helps apply for state and federal disaster loans.

Smart Home America: Offers the FORTIFIED options for you business’ physical facility.

Disaster Assistance Improvement Program: Provides information, support, and services to disaster survivors.