Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Project


PROJECT SUMMARYThe City of Los Angeles, the project’s non-Federal Sponsor, adopted the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Study on June 29, 2016.  The study evaluates alternatives for the purpose of restoring 11 miles of the Los Angeles River from approximately Griffith Park to downtown Los Angeles while maintaining existing levels of flood risk management.  Restoration measures include creation and re-establishment of historic riparian and freshwater marsh habitat to support increased populations of wildlife and enhance habitat connectivity within the study area, as well as to provide opportunities for regional connectivity to ecological zones such as the Santa Monica Mountains, Verdugo Hills, Elysian Hills, and San Gabriel Mountains.  Restoration also includes the re-introduction of ecological and fluvial processes through a more natural hydrologic regime, which reconnects the river to historic floodplains and tributaries, reduces flow velocities, increases infiltration, and improves natural sediment processes.  The study also evaluates opportunities for passive recreation that is compatible with the restored environment. The study evaluated the No Action Alternative and five action alternatives, named Alternative 10, 13, 13v, 16, and 20. The recommended plan for restoration in the study area is Alternative 20, the locally preferred plan (LPP), which includes compatible recreation features. The recommended plan includes restoration of habitat within 719 acres of the study area through the following measures and features: riparian habitat corridor restoration throughout the 11 miles; restoration of the Arroyo Seco confluence; restoration of the Verdugo Wash confluence; restoration of riparian habitat, a historic wash and its braided channels in the Los Angeles Trailer and Container (LATC) intermodal facility site; removal of channel concrete and riverbed restoration for 0.75 miles; restoration of freshwater marsh in the Los Angeles State Historic Park; restoration of riparian habitat and reconnection to the historic floodplain in Taylor Yard; river widening in 2 reaches; restoration of 13 minor tributaries through stream daylighting; establishment of side channels; and removal of invasive vegetation throughout the project area. A Notice of Intent for the EIS/EIR was published on November 28, 2008 (73 FR 72455). A Notice of Availability for the Draft IFR was published on October 4, 2013 (78 FR 57624). The public review period for the Draft IFR occurred from September 20, 2013 to November 18, 2013. The USACE Chief’s Report was signed on December 18, 2015. And the Los Angeles City Council adopted the Study on June 29, 2016.  


The Final Integrated Feasibility Report/EIS/EIR is divided into 4 volumes:


Volume I: Main Integrated Feasibility Report and Final EIS/EIR

Volume II: Appendices A through D

 Appendix A: Design

 Appendix B: Economics

 Appendix C: Cost

 Appendix D: Geotechnical

 Volume III: Appendices E through Q (not L)

 Appendix E: Hydrology and Hydraulics

 Appendix F: Air Quality

 Appendix G: Habitat Evaluation- Combined Habitat Assessment Protocol (CHAP)

 Appendix H: Supplemental Environmental Information: (Part 1) Supplemental Information; (Part 2) Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan; (Part 3) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

 Appendix I: Value Engineering Study

 Appendix J: Real Estate Plan

 Appendix K: Hazardous, Toxic and /or Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Survey Report

 Appendix M: Clean Water Act Report 404(b)(1) Evaluation

 Appendix N: US Fish & Wildlife Service Coordination Act Report (CAR) and Corps responses

 Appendix O: Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement

 Appendix P: Letters and Guidance Memoranda

 Appendix Q: Mailing List

Volume IV: Appendix L

 Appendix L: Public Comments on the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report: (Part 1) Public Comments; (Part 2) Responses to Public Comments


The Documents are available on this website as well as at the following locations:


A paper copy of the Final IFR is available for review at the following local libraries:

 • Arroyo Seco Branch Library, 6145 N Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042

 • Los Angeles Central Library, at 630 W 5th St., Los Angeles, CA 90071

 • Atwater Village Branch Library, at 3379 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039


In addition, a paper copy of the main volume of the Final IFR and CDs of the complete report with appendices are also available for review at the following local libraries:

 • Cypress Park Branch Library, at 1150 Cypress Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90065

 • Lincoln Heights Branch Library, at 2530 Workman St., Los Angeles, CA 90031

 • Chinatown Branch Library, at 639 N Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

 • Little Tokyo Branch Library, at 203 S Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

 • Benjamin Franklin Branch Library at 2200 E 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90033

Contact us by emailing [email protected].


 1.       What is the status of the Ecosystem Restoration Project?

USACE will begin design efforts of select features in 2018. These efforts will include an Aerial Survey and Hydrology (Water Flow) Analyses.

2.       When will construction begin?

Design of the first feature is scheduled to be complete in 2022. USACE will request Federal funds to construct the first feature after completion of the design.

3.       What will be the first feature?

USACE and the City of LA agreed to focus on two areas to initiate the design and construction of the project. The first feature will be a 500’ section of terraced bank on the west side of the river just south of Main Street. The second feature will be restored wetlands and river connection to the Los Angeles State Historic Park (aka Cornfields).

4.       Why isn’t USACE starting with Taylor Yard?

First, the initial cost estimate for design was over $20M. Due to expected limited annual Federal funding during the design phase, USACE estimated that design could take at least 10 years. USACE and the City did not think this was acceptable. Second, Taylor Yard is known to be contaminated, and remediation will take additional time.

5.       How can I be involved in the design process?

The City of LA will host community meetings which are scheduled to start in 2018. These will be open to the public and representatives from USACE will be present.

6.       What recreation opportunities will exist for the first constructed feature?

Generally, the project’s primary focus is ecosystem restoration, so recreation opportunities will be limited. The 500’ terraced bank will be visible from Main Street Bridge. Ultimately, a west bank trail will be accessible from this point.

7.       Where can I get more information? 

Thanks for your interest and support to the project. More information is available at the City’s website: http://lariver.org/blog/la-river-ecosystem-restoration