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Jouni Tummavuori (email), Hannu Venäläinen, Timo Nyrönen

Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa III. Kiinteiden polttoaineiden pyrolyysin kinetiikan vertailua

Tummavuori J., Venäläinen H., Nyrönen T. Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa III. Kiinteiden polttoaineiden pyrolyysin kinetiikan vertailua.

English title: The usability of the termogravimetry in fuel research. Part III. Comparison of the kinetics of the pyrolysis of solid fuels


In this work we have investigated the possibilities of the thermogravimetry (TG) to be applied to the peat research as well as to the rapid quality control of the peat products. It is shown, that the moisture content, the volatile matter and the ash content of the peat can be easily determined from the TG curves. Further, the pyrolysis of the peat in various atmospheres can be investigated. The effect of the temperature rate and the carbonization time to the coke yield was also a subject of this study. Further investigations involve the calculations of the rate constants and the activation energies. Also, the products during the pyrolysis are of interest.


Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1978

Katselukerrat 1386

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