Suo - Mires and peat vol. 38 no. 5 | 1987

Martti Aho. Turpeen pyrolyysistä.
English title: Pyrolysis of peat.
Avainsanat: air pollution; pyrolysis. peat
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The release of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in peat pyrolysis was investigated bet ween 300 and 700 °C. Seven peats with different nitrogen and sulphur contents (N: 0.8—2.9 %, S: 0.08—0.24 %) were studied. The pyrolysis was studied indirectly by following the elemental composition and the structure of the char residue. The tars of one peat sample were trapped. The greatest portion of the sulphur-containing compounds pyrolysed below 500 °C. Nitrogen-containing compounds pyrolysed in a larger temperature range. One group of peats contained easily pyrolysable and the other group weakly pyrolysable nitrogen compounds. This suggests that the behaviour of fuel nitrogen in combustion will be difficult to predict because pyrolysis compounds may react further to corresponding oxides. The nitrogen content may be high in the tar in which case the tarry in termediates may also increase the amount of NO in flue gases. Infrared spectroscopy provided information about the decomposition of the main compounds in peat, like carbohydrates and long chained hydrocarbons during charring complementary to the information provided by elemental analyses. Keywords: pyrolysis. peat, air pollution.
  • Aho, Technical Research Centre of Finland,Domestic Fuel Laboratory,P.O. BOX 221,SF-40101 Jyväskylä,Finland. Sähköposti: [email protected] (sähköposti)
Eero Kaakkinen, Pekka Salminen. Soidensuojelun perusohjelman toteuttaminen.
English title: Basic plan for peatland nature conservation in Finland.
Avainsanat: peatland conservation; nature protection; management
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The Government of Finland has approved a basic plan for peatland preservation. About 600 mire sites have been proposed for conservation, covering an area of ca. 490 000 hectares. State-owned mires (70 % of the area in the programme) will be protected under the Nature Conservation Act of 1923 (71/23). The mires under other ownership will be acquired by the state for preservation purposes or protected by a decision of the provincial government concerned. A special management and land use plan is to be prepared for every protected peatland area which will be approved by the Ministry of Environment. Key words: peatland conservation, nature protection, management
Anneli Leivo, Ari Rajasärkkä. Suojeltujen soiden luontoselvitykset.
English title: Nature inven­tories on protected peatlands in Finland.
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In planning the management of Nature Protection Areas, including peatlands there is a need for exact inventories of their nature. The authorities, mainly National Board of Forestry, have made many vegetation mappings, bird censuses and other inventories on protected areas. However, there is much work to do before we know enough about the nature of these areas for planning purposes. The methodology of these inventories is at present developing.
Stuart R. Gelder, Joan L. Brooks. Harvasukamatojen esiintymisesta rahkaturpeesta valmistetussa jäteveden suodattimessa.
English title: A preliminary study of the oligochaetes (Annelida) in a mature Sphagnum on-site wastewater treatment system.
Avainsanat: peat; oligochaetes; Annelida; wastewater treatment
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The earthworms Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus and unidentified juveniles were recovered from a stable, Sphagnum peat on-site wastewater treatment system studied at Orono, Maine, U.S.A. over a 13 month period. The oligochaetes had a heterogeneous distribution in the filter although they did show a preference for the mid and upper layers. The temperature and pH regimes in the filter did not appear to influence the distribution of the worms. Key words: peat, oligochaetes, Annelida, wastewater treatment

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