Ad Targeting dataset

The Ad Targeting dataset contains the ad targeting logic of all of the Social Issue, Electoral, and Political (SIEP) ads run beginning August 3, 2020 on the Facebook and Instagram platforms. The coverage includes all countries in which we currently have our ad authorizations and disclaimer tools available. More information on the countries that are included is available in our Business Help Center.

Get access

To query the dataset, you must be an approved Meta Research Partner. If you were approved through the Meta onboarding process and are seeking to renew your access, you must use the new ICPSR process to apply for renewal. See Get access for more information.

Documentation contents


Explanations of core concepts and usage requirements.

Get access

Directions to get started with the Researcher Platform.

Sample queries

Sample queries that demonstrate various ways to query the dataset.

Table schema

Columns in the Ad Targeting, Ad Targeting Delta, and Ad Library Data tables, along with related clarifications.


Frequently asked questions, information about how to get help, and instructions for correctly citing Meta and the Ad Targeting dataset in your publications. Also includes a changelog that lists dataset and documentation changes by release.