​10 Superfoods To Boost Hair Growth

ET Online

Jun 26, 2024

​Eat Right To Have That Enviable Mane

No magic, overpriced serum can make your hair problems - dry frizzy hair, hair fall, weak roots go away. Want to have a head of thick, healthy, hair? Eat right. Here are 10 food items that can be great for promoting hair growth!

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Eggs are an ‘eggcellent’ source of essential nutrients such as protein and biotin. Biotin or vitamin B7, is considered a precursor to keratin which is the protein that makes up hair and influences the growth of new hair. The best thing about eggs is that they can be eaten anyway - boiled, curried, or fried!

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Have More Rajma Chawal

Rajma or black bean Rajma is a fantastic source of protein and folate, both vital for hair growth, and is also rich in fiber. Black beans, similarly, have been associated with hair thickening. For those with thinning hair, these legumes are a perfect superfood. Incorporate rajma into your traditional rajma chawal meal or try preparing Mexican-style black beans.

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Carrots aren't just beneficial for your eyes; they are also an excellent source of Vitamin A for your hair. They provide essential nutrition for the scalp, helping to keep your hair moisturized from roots to tips, making them a great addition to a summer diet to prevent hair fall. Enjoy carrots as a snack with a dip or incorporate them into dishes like fried rice or vegetable chaat. Carrots are also rich in beta carotenes which is supposed to be amazing for your eyesight.

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Spinach is packed with vitamins and nutrients such as folate, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C, crucial for promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. It's especially beneficial due to its high iron content, which supports overall hair health. If you're not keen on traditional spinach dishes like Indian-style sabzi, you can enjoy it in a smoothie blended with other leafy greens like kale, peanut butter, and almond milk. Or you can add a bit of paneer for a bowl of palak paneer!

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An avocado a day may just keep hairy issues at bay! These fruits are a great source of vitamin E, which is a good nutrient for hair growth. A medium-sized avocado provides around 21% of your daily Vitamin E requirement. Additionally, Vitamin E is rich in fatty acids, which are essential for preventing hair loss.

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Lentils & Chickpeas

Lentils and chickpeas are both excellent sources of folic acid, aiding in the production of red blood cells and promoting hair growth and strength. Lentils are particularly versatile, especially in Indian cuisine, while chickpeas can be used to make hummus. This way, you can nourish both your body and your hair simultaneously.

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Oats are not only an excellent source of fiber but also rich in essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids. These nutrients, often known as Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs), are crucial for maintaining healthy skin and hair. Including oats in your breakfast a few times a week can help ensure your hair receives all the necessary nutrients. If having boiled oats and milk is too monotonous for you, then you can prepare it with garam masala, vegetables and a bit of lemon sauce!

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Seeds such as chia, flaxseeds etc are among the best foods to prevent hair fall, as they are rich in Vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. For instance, just an ounce of sunflower seeds provides about 50% of your daily Vitamin E requirement. Additionally, flaxseeds and chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. Including these seeds in your diet can effectively combat hair loss. You can add them to your salad or cornflakes for a crunchy boost.

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Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are vital for absorbing Vitamin A due to their high beta-carotene content. Vitamin A is crucial for hair thickness and the production of sebum, which keeps hair naturally healthy and moisturized. You can incorporate sweet potatoes into your meals by making vegetable cutlets or sautéing them with minimal seasoning.

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This sour sweet green fruit is a powerhouse of vitamin C. It enhances your body's ability to absorb iron, promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Citrus fruits, in general, offer the benefits of Vitamin C. Enjoy kiwi juice or add slices to your cereal with a mix of nuts and fruits for a nutritious breakfast.

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