10 Houseplants Which Can Purify Air Indoors

ET Online

Jun 7, 2024

How Do Houseplants Regulate Temperature?

Did you know that plants are nature’s air conditioners? Here’s how plants regulate air temperature - During photosynthesis, plants transform the carbon dioxide we exhale into fresh oxygen and eliminate toxins from the air. Popular houseplants are known to purify indoor air by filtering out toxic chemicals such as - formaldehyde which can irritate the mouth and throat. Benzene can cause dizziness and interfere with red blood cell production.

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Aloe Vera

​While this tropical succulent is super easy to maintain in your household! It does not require much watering so is a great option for beginners. Moreover, the gel from the leaves is a great natural moisturiser!​

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Flaming Sword Plant

​Have you ever seen a plant whose flowers resemble a flaming sword? This splendid-looking plant can add a touch of drama to your room. However, make sure it receives plenty of sunlight and water. ​

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Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm, also known as the reed palm, thrives in partial sun or shade, making it an excellent houseplant. Additionally, it helps remove harmful substances like benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

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Chinese Evergreen

These plants are strikingly beautiful and come with a delicate colour combination of pink and green. The Chinese evergreen is a low-maintenance plant that flourishes in low to medium light, typically growing to 1 or 2 feet tall. While it contributes to maintaining healthy indoor air quality, it is important to be aware that the plant contains an irritant that can be toxic to pets.

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English Ivy

Simple, yet timeless, the English Ivy can add grace and a serene presence to your home! This resilient plant can thrive in both full shade and full sun, can be shaped as desired, and with proper care, it is likely to live for several years.

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Gerbera Daisy

Add a dash of colour and elegance to your boudoir with this beauty! Gerbera daisies are known for their ability to remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. Although they can be challenging to grow indoors, you can cultivate them in your backyard and enjoy their blooms in a vase.

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Peace Lily

Peace lilies are renowned for their ability to combat toxic gases like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. They are relatively easy to care for, even showing drooping signs when they need watering. However, they can be mildly toxic to pets and humans, so it’s important to wash your hands after handling them.

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Philodendrons are available in various sizes and colors, with leaves that come in many different shapes. The 'Xanadu' variety, shown here, easily adapts to most homes with medium to bright, indirect light. Researchers suggest that these plants can remove indoor toxins such as formaldehyde, which may be found in carpets and cleaning products.

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Red-Edged Dracaena

Featuring red, spiky leaves, this evergreen has a tropical look that adds a vibrant touch to any space. It can thrive with or without sunlight and requires very little water.

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Rubber Tree

With its dark green and glossy leaves, the rubber tree is an exotic beauty! However, the tree sap can be toxic, so keep it out of reach for children and pets.

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