8 fiber rich breakfasts for weight loss

ET Online

Jun 21, 2024


Adding vegetables to the popular poha recipe improves it even more. Aim for half a cup of veggies in your serving of poha.

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When consumed with breakfast, eggs may help to lower Trusted Source appetite. This has the potential to significantly accelerate weight loss.

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Idli with chutney

They're quick to prepare and easy to digest. Idlis are steamed and oil-free. These can be made with either plain white rice or millets.

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Quinoa dosa

Quinoa Dosa is a healthier alternative to the popular South Indian dosa. This crispy quinoa dosa, made without rice or fermentation, is my go-to recipe for a quick south Indian dinner.

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Paneer paratha with curd

Paneer paratha is rich in protein and can be a great option.

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Adding vegetables to your favorite upma recipe might enhance its flavor.

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Dalia Khichdi is a healthful one-pot low-calorie Indian breakfast. The addition of veggies and spices boosts the flavor of the khichdi recipe, making it appealing to eat all day!

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Vegetable sandwich

The simple remedy is to add a lot of vegetables and reduce the butter and processed cheese.

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