Jun 21, 2024

8 yoga postures for mental and physical well being

ET Online

Easy pose

Finding comfort in this position can be tough, therefore it teaches you to use the tools that are accessible to you.

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Cat cow pose

Increases flexibility

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Tree pose

Helps improves balance

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Bound angle pose

A gentle and supported opening of the hips can feel soothing.

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Mountain pose

This position will reveal any asymmetries in your shoulders and provide you insights about what you need to concentrate on.

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Seated forward bend

A good exercise to stretch your legs

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Legs up the wall pose

Flex your toes and feel a stretch at the backs of your legs. Breathe deeply and keep the pose for as long as you like.

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Half lord of the fishes pose

Twists promote intestinal health and keep your body feeling wonderful.

Image Source: Getty Images

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