​Dyslexia may have helped humans survive, says study​

ET Online

Jun 28, 2022

​Exploring unknown

People with developmental dyslexia have special skills in exploring the unknown, say researchers

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These strengths, says their new study, has contributed to the human species adapting and surviving.

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Explorative bias

Scientists from University of Cambridge say this 'explorative bias' has an evolutionary basis.

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Dyslexia is found in up to 20% of a population, irrespective of their country, culture or region .

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​Seen as disorder

It is seen as a learning disability which affects reading, writing and spelling skills of children.

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​Scientists dispute

After these findings, the scientists say that dyslexia cannot be seen as a neurological disorder.

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​Evolutionary basis

They like to see it thus: our ancestors evolved to specialize in complementary ways of thinking.

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​Helps collaborate

This increases our ability to adapt through collaboration and to exploring new and unknown ideas.

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​Our survival

And that collaboration between people with diverse abilities is what gave us the capacity to survive.

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