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Panel discussion: COVID as catalyst - Transforming government communication today and in the future

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The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly changed the world we live in on all fronts. There has been much adversity, but as the adage goes, “adversity breeds innovation.” One of the seemingly lasting innovations has happened in communications, where government organizations and people have been forced to transform how they connect and communicate with each other. During this session, panellists explore whether the pandemic has served as a catalyst for enhanced digital communication in government - what’s changed, what is likely to continue to evolve in the future and what’s needed to better connect governments and the people they serve.


Abhishek Singh
MD and CEO Digital India Corporation (DIC), Government of India

Joanne Sweeney
Author and public sector marketing expert

Nombulelo Leburu
Director, External Communications, National Department of Health, South Africa

René Canovas
Director at the Secretary of Communications (SECOM), Federal Government of Chile

Susannah Streeter
Technology and digital transformation commentator
