Joint Seat Allocation Authority 2024

IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs and Other-GFTIs for the Academic Year 2024-25

Type of the institute: Indian Institute of Technology
Complete Mailing Address: NH 62 Nagaur Road, Karwad 342030, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Contact Person For Admission: Prof. Shree Prakash Tiwari
Designation: Chairman, JEE (Advanced) 2024
Email: [email protected]
Alternate Email: [email protected]
Phone Nos: 2912801079,2912801195,2912801135
Fax No:
Mobile No.:

About the Institute

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur was established in 2008. The Institute has established basic academic and infrastructure facilities needed for the Bachelor of Technology degree programs. Since August 2017, IIT Jodhpur has been fully operational from its Permanent Campus, from where both academic and residential activities are organised. This Permanent Campus of the Institute is the first fully-planned campus amongst the technical institutes in India; this sprawling residential permanent campus on 852 acres of land is located about 20 km N-NE from the center of the city of Jodhpur, on National Highway 62 towards Nagaur Town.

The Institute is engaged in creating a vibrant technological institute that incubates and promotes learning, research, invention and eventually innovation; and preparing each primary stakeholder towards their dharma, while continuing to adhere to its core values; Prepare competent Technology Graduates ready to meet Grand Challenges of India; Train active functionaries of a process driven professional institute; Facilitate builders of an internationally competitive academic institute; and Provide technology innovation as a force to as many industries as possible for economic value creation.

Fee Structure

The Fee to be paid by Students of the UG Program for the Academic Year 2024-25 1st Semester is as below:



In Indian Rupees



Family Income of Student in each Category

Unreserved, OBC and EWS

SC, ST, and PwD

Below Rs. 1 Lakh

Rs. 1 Lakh – Rs. 5 Lakhs

Above Rs. 5 Lakhs







Admission Fee

(One Time)






Refundable Deposits

(One Time)






Convocation Fee

(One Time)






Semester Fee






Tuition Fee










   NOTE:- 1. The fee remission will be given to the bonafide students of IIT jodhpur subject to verification of their documents.

2. At present, Mess Fee per Semester is Rs. 19000/- (Rupees Nineteen Thousand Only) and subject to changes.

3. The fee for OCI/PIO cardholders would be charged as per the Unreserved (GEN) category of Indian National.       

  Fee Structure for Foreign Nationals from AY 2024-25:

1. ONE TIME FEE (to be paid at the time of Registration of First Semester)

Amount in Rs.


Admission Fee



Refundable Deposit



Convocation Fee


Total One Time Fee (At the time of Registration)


2. FEE (for One Semester)


Tuition Fee

Tuition Fee for UG programs



Semester fee



Mess Expenses


Total Fee for UG programs per semester




  1. The fee structure is for 6 months.
     2. Mess Charges will be as per actuals. If a student is not on campus during vacation, the balance amount of mess charges collected will be adjusted or refunded to the student.

Academic Structure

Academic Program

      IIT Jodhpur is offering 4-year B.Tech./BS Programs, namely:

(1) B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Program:

The B.Tech. program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at IIT Jodhpur aims to equip students to undertake careers involving challenges of working on real-world problems, while innovating with their core competency in computer science. The curriculum gives due importance to the foundational aspects of computer science, as well as develops in students the necessary engineering skills for addressing emerging technological challenges. The program offers flexibility in choosing elective courses for widening the understanding of emerging concepts and processes in different domains such as Theory and Algorithms, Hardware, Systems, Network and Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Speech, Vision, Language, and Social Computing. Students can opt for specializations which provide a coherent and increasingly sophisticated understanding so as to enable them to pursue preferred career opportunities.

●       Visual Computing,

●       Socio-Digital Reality

●       Advanced Algorithms

●       Social and Sustainable Computing

●       Intelligent Communication and Networking

●       VLSI Systems

The program will produce a well-prepared and motivated workforce to undertake careers in research and industry involving innovation, knowledge creation, engineering, and entrepreneurship. The students graduated from the department are placed in reputed industries within India as well as undergoing higher studies in reputed universities within the country and abroad.

 (2) B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) Program:

The B. Tech. program in Electrical Engineering (EE) provides strong fundamentals in mathematics and science which develop analytical thinking and form the basis of the diverse tool set used by electrical engineers to innovate, design and develop the technology of the future. The engineering design component is integrated throughout the curriculum, motivating and familiarizing students with the real-world engineering challenges and equipping them with the essential technical skills for problem solving. The early strong theoretical foundations and hand-on exposure are supplemented by the core electrical engineering concepts ranging from circuit analysis and design, computing, control, communication, signal processing, and power engineering. Additional problem-solving skills and practical experience are developed through design projects and laboratory experiments.

The curriculum offers flexibility to students for pursuing capability-linked specializations of their choice. The department specializations are designed to enable students to lead technological innovations addressing the emerging industrial and societal challenges in various domains of electrical engineering. The EE students can opt for any one of the departmental specializations in

1. Cyber Physical Systems,

2. Intelligent Communication and Networking,

3. Communication Engineering,

4. VLSI Systems,

5. Visual Computing,

6. Socio-Digital Reality,

7. Nano and Flexible Electronics,

8. Smart Grid, and

9. Artificial Intelligence of Things 

The in-depth understanding and technical skills acquired through these specializations will enable graduates to play a vital role in advancement of technologies such as 5G/6G communications, smart cities, smart healthcare, and Industry 4.0.

Another distinct feature of the curriculum is provision for minors in Entrepreneurship or Management or interdisciplinary specializations in Smart Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics and Mobility Systems that allow students to pursue diverse career goals. Students will also have an opportunity to opt for a B. Tech. - Master’s dual degree in their chosen specialization or minor area. The curriculum also offers numerous options that enable students to gain industrial experience through collaborative industrial projects at industries and entrepreneurial experience at the Institute's incubation centre.

(3) B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Program:

Reckoned as one of the most versatile engineering disciplines, Mechanical Engineering virtually touches every aspect of modern life, from mobile phones and biomedical devices, to aircraft and power plants. It is concerned with technological advancements through the development of products, processes, and power at scales ranging from nano-scale to large and complex systems. Mechanical Engineering principles and skills are involved at some stage during the conception, design, development, and manufacture of every human-made object. While design and manufacturing involve the design of mechanisms and the analysis of materials, thermo-fluid systems include methods of energy conversions, heat transfer and fluid flow. Future innovations crucial to the country’s growth will always have their roots in the world of mass, motion, forces and energy- the world of mechanical engineers.

Keeping a balance between theory and hands-on experience, the department intends to provide its students with a solid foundation in core as well as emerging areas of mechanical engineering by inspiring critical thinking and nurturing problem-solving skills. The curriculum offers flexibility to students for pursuing the following capability-linked specializations of their choice, namely:

1. Micro-Nano Engineering,

2. Energy Engineering,

3. Design Engineering,

4. Smart Manufacturing,

At IIT Jodhpur, mechanical engineers are therefore trained, educated and positioned in a way not only to adapt but to define direct change. This is reflected in the portfolio of current activities of the department. Our faculty are involved in a wide range of projects in the areas of Energy conversion and power systems, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, mechanics of solid, mechanical vibrations, robotics, autonomous unmanned vehicles, design optimization, acoustics and noise control, control systems, rotor dynamics, micro-nano materials and applications, biomechanics, bio-inspired thermofluids, fluid structure interaction etc. to name a few.  Additionally, efforts are being made to introduce advanced concepts like smart manufacturing, Industry 4.O, computational techniques, high-performance computing, applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, sensors and IoT as a part of solving mechanical engineering problems.

Additionally, The flexible structure of the course curriculum at the Department of Mechanical Engineering also allows the students to opt for minors in Entrepreneurship or Management or interdisciplinary specializations in Smart Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics to pursue diverse career goals. Students willing to pursue higher studies also have an opportunity to opt for a B. Tech. - M.Tech dual degree aligned to their specialization or minor area. The students opting for a Minor in Engineering Innovation are exposed to an unique experience of working in collaborative industrial projects, enhancing their industry readiness level. Students interested in venturing into entrepreneurial careers have the opportunity to be nurtured by the Institute's incubation centre.

(4) B.Tech. (Bioengineering) Program:

The B.Tech. program in Bioengineering, offered by the Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering at IIT Jodhpur was launched to generate competent human resources capable of tackling complex, local and global problems related to healthcare, energy, environment, water, and food. This one-of-a-kind B.Tech. program in bioengineering was built on the foundation of multidisciplinarity, in consultation with industry, academia, entrepreneurs and foresight experts with the goal of imparting education and skills that remain relevant in the field for the next decade. The program will provide a strong fundamental understanding of concepts in bioscience, engineering, mathematics, and allied sciences, enabling students to approach problems through interdisciplinary lenses. This is expected to stimulate the development of disruptive technologies in various domains by imparting unique skill sets in interdisciplinary areas including, but not limited to:

●       Artificial Intelligence-driven bioengineering for healthcare, environment, and agriculture applications

●       Physics of imaging and principles of image analysis, and processing for diagnostics

●       Existing omics approaches and development of new methods, for data acquisition and analysis

●       Integration of omics data to quantitative structure-activity relationship for drug discovery and development

●       Systems biology and development of new mathematical models to address complex biological problems

●       Multidisciplinary technologies for the development of lab-on-chip devices, biosensors, and other smart devices.

●       Design and development of smart biomaterials using micro- and nano-scale technologies for healthcare applications

●       Tissue engineering-based approaches for the development of laboratory-grown tissues and organs

The program structure allows the students to build their own B.Tech. program  by opting for a regular B.Tech. degree or choose capability-linked bioengineering specializations (therapeutic engineering and drug discovery, microbial systems engineering) or minors offered by other departments/interdisciplinary research platforms (smart healthcare, artificial intelligence, science of intelligence, data science, management, robotics, mathematical and computational economics, quantum information and computation). In addition, students also have the option of pursuing a minor in engineering innovation, which offers them the opportunity to work in an industry setting towards product/process development and a minor in entrepreneurship with the option of incubating in IIT Jodhpur’s Technologyannovation and Start-up Centre (TISC). Thus, The B.Tech. program in Bioengineering will impart knowledge and skills to budding engineers to address future global challenges through innovative pedagogical methods, emphasis on hands-on training and experiential learning.

(5) B.Tech. (AI and Data Science)

Starting 2020, IIT Jodhpur will be offering a unique undergraduate program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, that envisions to equip students with the ability to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues, and - most importantly - identify their consequent responsibilities as engineers of effective solutions for the same.

The curriculum is interdisciplinary at heart - straddling computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and their applications across numerous domains. Besides Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Video Processing, the program will be training students in a plethora of exclusive courses like:

a)     Dependable AI

b)     Resource-constrained AI

c)     Big Data

d)     Data Engineering and Data Visualization

e)     Stream Analytics

f)      Social Network Analysis

g)     Human-Machine Interaction

h)     Augmented and Virtual Reality

i)      Speech and Natural Language Understanding

j)      Biometrics

k)     Computational Neuroscience

The curriculum promises to provide opportunities to its students to explore a number of transdisciplinary specialization areas including visual computing, socio-digital reality, intelligent communications and networking, language technologies, robotics, and AIOT. The program will also allow its students to venture into a one-of-a-kind Management specialization with a focus on AI and Technology, leading to an MBA (BTech + MBA dual degree program) and entrepreneurial activities.

(6) B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

The Department of Chemical Engineering offers a B.Tech. program in Chemical Engineering and is making a conscious effort to establish itself as a leading institute in the new genre of chemical engineering education. With the advent of the era of Industry 4.0 in chemical industries, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Molecular Engineering, Sustainability; the regular B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering has been transformed by incorporation of new emerging technologies and demand driven areas without compromising with the traditional focus on subjects like Material and Energy Balance, Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, Mass transfer, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Numerical Analysis, Computational Systems, Safety Engineering etc. The program involves traditional courses, emerging areas and specialisations such as:

(i) Process Engineering Intelligence

(ii) Molecular Engineering

(iii) Sustainability.


B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) students will have additional unique opportunity and inbuilt flexibility for:

(i) Minor in (a) Management; (b) Entrepreneurship; (c ) Data Science.

(ii) Five (5) year B.Tech.+M.Tech./ MBA.

(iii) One (1) year Engineering Innovation Opportunity.

(7) B.Tech. (Materials Engineering)

The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering offers a B.Tech. Program in Materials Engineering. The program is designed to impart high-quality education in the core and emerging areas of Materials Engineering through a unique combination of foundational courses, core courses and elective courses from the following four streams:

          (i) Structural Materials,

          (ii) Functional Materials,

          (iii) Computational Materials Engineering,

          (iv) Process Metallurgy.

In this B.Tech. program, an emphasis is given to the emerging areas in materials engineering such as computational materials engineering, energy materials, and advanced structural materials while ensuring sufficient courses in core Materials Engineering that will form a solid base to the students. Emerging areas such as Machine Learning, Data Structure and Algorithm, and Scientific Computations have been made an integral part of the B.Tech. curriculum, which makes this a unique program. Additionally, to enable the students to pursue their interest, the program structure would allow students to optionally specialize in one of the above-mentioned four streams of Materials Engineering. This program will equip the students with experimental and computational skill sets relevant to the industry and will motivate the graduates to address present day materials challenges of designing, processing, characterization and evaluation of advanced materials.

The course curriculum would also allow the students to opt for departmental specializations in

          (i) Structural Materials,

          (ii) Functional Materials,

          (iii) Computational Materials Engineering,

Students willing to pursue higher studies will also have an opportunity to opt for a B. Tech. - M. Tech. dual degree aligned to the above-mentioned specialization areas. Additionally, the flexible structure of the course curriculum would allow the students to opt for minors in Data Science/Entrepreneurship/Management/Engineering Innovation or interdisciplinary specializations in areas such as Smart Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, Energy Materials, etc. to pursue diverse career goals. Students interested to venture into an entrepreneurial career have the opportunity to be nurtured by the Institute's incubation centre or they are eligible to opt for a B.Tech.-MBA dual degree. Minor in Engineering Innovation offers the students an opportunity to work in an industry setting towards product/process development and a minor in entrepreneurship allows the students to incubate in IIT Jodhpur’s Technology Innovation and Start-up Centre (TISC).

(8) B.Tech. (Civil and Infrastructure Engineering)

Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering offers B Tech program in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering commencing from December 2020. Through this undergraduate program, the department is making a stride to re-imagine the course structure that incorporates and integrates the elements of conventional civil engineering with advanced transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cyber-physical-systems (CPS), digital twins (DT), and automated management and information systems. The program provides holistic understanding of different civil and infrastructure systems and an in-depth understanding of the differences, similarities, and relations between different scales and components of it. Additionally, a major thrust is also planned on the design, implementation, and maintenance of large-scale integrated infrastructure systems across different domains.  Students enrolling through a regular B Tech program can also opt for minor programs offered by the institute or specialization programs offered by the department during the final semesters.  

Major domains of the regular B Tech program includes:

a. Smart Infrastructure Technology 
b. Infrastructure Systems 
c. Geotechnical Engineering 
d. Water Resources Engineering 
e. Construction and Infrastructure 
f.  Environmental Engineering 
g. Transportation Engineering 
h. Structural Engineering

Students can obtain a Departmental Specialization after completing additional credits beyond the regular B Tech program credit requirement.  The specialization programs offered by the department are as listed below. 

a.      B Tech with specialization in Smart Infrastructure

b.      B Tech with specialization in Environmental Engineering

The program aims to produce graduates with an ability to integrate conventional methods with emerging technologies to design intelligent civil and infrastructure systems from a multidisciplinary perspective. 

(9) BS in Physics with Specialization 

The Department of Physics offers a four-year undergraduate Bachelor of Science (BS) in physics program with specialization. The program aims at imparting theoretical foundations and practical skills in fundamental and applied physics for engineering innovation. The program provides strong fundamentals in basic sciences and mathematics that are critical in developing analytical thinking and form the basis of the diverse tools used in fundamental and applied physics linked with engineering problems to innovate, design and develop future technologies. The engineering design component is integrated throughout the curriculum, motivating and familiarizing students with real-world engineering challenges and equipping them with the essential technical skills for problem-solving. Strong theoretical foundations and hands-on exposure at the early stage of the  program are supplemented by a spectrum of fundamental and applied physics concepts ranging from statistical physics with emphasis on data-driven analysis, modern physics including quantum technologies targeting future communication, condensed matter physics with emphasis on next-generation materials and devices for future electronics, advanced energy materials and devices, terahertz physics and photonics, fundamental and applied plasma for various applications. Further, the program’s design projects and laboratory experiments develop additional problem-solving skills and practical experience. The curriculum also offers numerous options that enable students to gain industrial experience through collaborative industrial projects at industries and entrepreneurship experience at the Institute's Incubation Center.

One of the key salient features of the BS Physics program at the IIT Jodhpur is that the curriculum offers enormous flexibility to students for pursuing capability-linked specializations. Currently, the following Specializations are offered

1.  Advanced Energy Materials 
2.  Photonics 
3.  Quantum Technologies 
4.  Plasma Technologies 
5.  Entrepreneurship 

The in-depth understanding of the concepts and technical skills acquired through these program specializations will enable graduates to create new and innovative technologies for current and future applications.

(10) BS in Chemistry With Specialization 

The Department of Chemistry offers a four-year undergraduate Bachelor of Science (BS) in chemistry program with specialization. The central theme of this program is science-based engineering innovation and through this undergraduate programme, the Department is hoping to cross the barrier of traditional paths and planning to establish a leading department at the interplay of science and technology. This uniquely blended program is along the line of National Education Policy, as well as the Institute's vision of holistic development of students. This undergraduate program is designed to transmit fundamental knowledge in basic science and engineering during the first few semesters, which develops critical analytical thinking and forms the basis of diverse skill sets used by scientists and engineers to innovate, design, and develop technologies for the future. Students undergo comprehensive training in advanced concepts of chemistry for the next two years. The inclusion of a substantial component of courses from other science and engineering departments makes the program quite interdisciplinary in nature. The final year of the curriculum is designed towards specialization. The flexibility of opting for different specializations is ingrained in formulating the structure and curriculum of the programme. At present, the following Specializations are offered. 

(1)   Computational Chemistry

(2)   Spectroscopy & Analytical Methods

(3)   Catalysis & Synthesis

(4)   Advanced Energy Materials

(5)   Entrepreneurship 

The graduating students of this program shall be equipped with requisite skill-sets required to assume leadership positions in the different sectors of industry, further their career in higher studies, or embark on entrepreneurial ventures to address present day unmet challenges of the country.

Academic Year

Each academic year (July to June) consists of two academic semesters. Each semester is for about sixteen (16) weeks with one week of recess for students, making it about 15 working weeks in each semester. Excluding the days of the examinations, the total number of days of instruction in a semester is at least 70. Normally, Semester I (July–December) commences in the 4th week of July and closes in the 1st week of December, and Semester II (January-April) in the 4th week of December, closes in the 1st week of May and Summer Term (May-June).

The Academic Calendar gives the dates of all important events during the Academic Session, such as Orientation, Registration, Commencement of classes, Add and Drop of courses, Submission of Mandatory documents, Examinations, Submission of Grades, Conversion of Incomplete grades, Vacation, and Mid-semester recess. This calendar is approved by the Senate of the Institute and displayed in the website of the Institute before the start of each Academic Semester.

Rules For Change Branch

1) Request for branch change to Engineering Science (ES) will be admitted on the basis of merit (CGPA/JEE Rank in case of a tie of CGPA) provided the strength of the previous branch (i.e. the branch in which the student was admitted through JEE) does not fall below 75% of the existing strength (ie. the strength at the end of the 2nd semester),

2) For movement from ES to X+ES the strength of branch X should not go beyond 105% of the existing strength or 105% of sanctioned strength, whichever number is higher.

A summary of all branch change criteria is given below.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria for applying Branch Change after First Year:

El: Completed all prescribed course credits for the previous semesters

(including the non-graded courses).

E2: No backlog

E3: No disciplinary action

Table: Summary of branch change criteria for students in UG (B.Tech./ B.S.) Programs:



Completion of semester

Branch Enrolled in

Branch Applied for

Minimum Eligibility Requirements

Permissible Limits Strength



lower Limit of Strength for Branch Enrolled in

Upper Limit of Strength for Branch Applied for









Not Applicable

Not Applicable




Any (except ES)

>=7.0 for SC/ST/PD;

>=8.0 for Others




85% of current strength

115% of sanctioned strength




Any branch available to the student at the time of admission through JEE

Not Applicable




85% of current strength

Sanctioned Strength





Not Applicable




75% of current Strength

Not Applicable




X + ES

> = 9.0




Not Applicable

Not Applicable




X + ES

> = 7.0 for SC/ST/PD; >= 8.0 for Others




Not Applicable

105% of Current strength or 105% of sanctioned strength (whichever is higher) of branch X



1. Merit list of students eligible for branch change is prepared based on the CGPA obtained in the completed semester. Ties are resolved based on the JEE rank. There is no reservation of seats. Each available seat can be allotted to a student of any category, strictly on the basis of merit.

2. Current strength of a branch is the number of students enrolled in the corresponding B.Tech./BS program at the completion of the semester (mentioned in Column 2).

3. If the calculated upper limit of permissible strength is a fractional number, the upper limit for seats will be the lower rounded number (floor operation)

4. If the calculated lower limit of permissible strength is a fractional number, the lower limit for seats will be the higher rounded number (ceil operation)

Engineering science options

To provide flexibility in curricula, options have been created to pursue a 4-year B.Tech. in Engineering Science (ES) or a 4-year B.Tech. in X+ES

1) 4-year B.Tech. in Engineering Science: 

Any student may opt for B.Tech. in Engineering science post 1st year to pursue a targeted focus area in Science and Engineering to meet demands of emerging industrial and academic requirements. Students will be required to complete core course requirements in the first two years of study whereas they can outline their own curriculum in the form of electives for the remaining two years from courses across disciplines of engineering, science, and humanities. The students will be awarded B.Tech in Engineering Science. Similar to regular B.Tech. Programme Students can also use 10 credits out of stipulated electives and take 10 additional credits to earn minor/specialization as an add-on to the B.Tech degree.

2)  4-year B.Tech. in X + Engineering Science:

Students can pursue a capability linked B.Tech. in X + Engineering Science to pursue newer structures of programmes in addition to classical programmes, where X represents the primary branch in which a student has taken admissions. Students opting for X+ES at the end of the 4th semester will (from the third year onwards) start opting for courses related to the primary branch (X) and elective courses in the area of both primary branch and Engineering Science. The students will be awarded B.Tech. in X and Engineering Science, e.g., B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science. Students of this programme would not be able to opt for any other specialization/minor.

3) 3-year B.Sc. in Engineering Science:

This option is designed mainly for underperforming students as an exit plan. The student would be required to complete required credits under institute and engineering science core, and open electives categories.


The faculty details are available on the Institute website (click here).


Academic Facilities

IIT Jodhpur has established laboratories for the UG Programs. These laboratories have advanced equipment and instrumentation of international standard, which are used extensively in teaching and research.

Lecture Hall Building (LHB):

The Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IIT Jodhpur) boasts a well-designed Lecture Hall Building that serves as a hub for academic and extracurricular activities, including Classes/Lectures, seminars, conferences, and student events. This facility is equipped with modern amenities and supports various technical and cultural activities​. Below are some key features of the Lecture Hall Building:-

1.  Centralized AC Classrooms

2.  Smart and Hybrid Classrooms

3.  24*7 Security

4.  Wi-Fi facility

5.  DG Backup (for Uninterrupted power supply)

The S. R. Ranganathan Learning Hub, i.e., the library of the Institute has a rich and growing collection of about 16,000 volumes of print books and more than 4400 titles of eBooks, comprising textbooks, research and reference texts, in various areas of academic and research interest of the Institute.

The library provides access to a wide range of electronic journal resources from various professional publishers and scholarly societies in the major areas of engineering and technology. ACM, IEEE, Journal of Visualized Experiments, JoVE Encyclopaedia of Experiments, JoVE Science Education, JoVE Core, and JoVE Lab Manual, ASME, Begell House Digital Library, and Proceedings of IMechE, ASCE, ASTM are a few of them. Journal resources from Wiley Interscience, Elsevier Science, Taylor & Francis, Springer Nature, JStor, cover almost all areas of sciences, engineering, liberal arts, design, humanities, and social sciences. Dedicated resources like journals from ACS, RSC, SIAM, AIP, APS, IoP, Optica Publishing, ICE Virtual Library by Emerald are subscribed to cater to the needs of science areas like Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Resources like Emerald Journals, EBSCO Business Source Ultimate, Policy Common Global Think Tanks, cater to the needs of Management & Entrepreneurship. All these resources also address the requirements of  inter-disciplinary areas. Also, the library subscribes to a host of scientific, research and archival databases, like MathSciNet, Scopus, Web of Science, and SciFinder. Furthermore, access to writing support tools like Grammarly, Quillbot, plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin, Drillbit, and off-campus resource access tools are also provided by the library to the users. The resources for leisure reading and current news include PressReader, Edzter and periodicals.

The library operates in a computerized environment with fully automated Biometric-RFID enabled circulation and member services. User education through dedicated orientation and training sessions, reference & information services, inter-library loans & document lending services, current awareness service, digital library service, and library tech-support service are some of the major and important services offered by the library.

Also, the Screen Reader facility in the library provides the visually impaired students with access to digital content through text-to-speech technology, enhancing their ability to engage with academic resources independently. This inclusive service fosters equal opportunities for visually impaired students to effectively navigate and utilize educational materials in a supportive and accessible environment. The digital library section and reading spaces are accessible till late and extended hours for the convenience of users.

Please visit for more information.

Residential Facilities

The campus is well guarded 24 hours with security personnel. It is equipped with basic amenities, including LAN service in each room and recreational rooms. Faculty Members and Staff Members of the Institute also live on campus; Transport facility is available between the Institute and the city of Jodhpur. Following are some basic facilities made available in the residential area:

1)  ATM & Bank: The residential area has a branch of SBI (State Bank of India) and Canara Bank as well as two ATMs of SBI, one ATM of Canara Bank enabling students to make transactions with ease;

2)  Food Court: There is a food court on the Campus. It provides hygienic food, fresh juices and various other snacks till late   hours in the night and Shamiyana-Institute Cafe";

3)  Gymnasium: Well-equipped gymnasium is operational round the clock in  hostels; Students can avail this facility to stay healthy and to maintain his/her physique;

4)  Dining Service: The Dining service is made available in the Dining Services Building on campus, which offers good quality food, regularly monitored by the Wardens for hygiene and nutritional values, and provided at competitive price;

5)  Shops: Shops catering to the various primary needs of students are present on Campus;

6) Transport Services: The Institute has bus services running for students between the Permanent Campus to the city of Jodhpur; and

7) Sports Facilities:  Like Cricket, Football Chess, Cycling, E-Sports, Athletics, Weightlifting, hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis and squash stadium available.

8)  Laundry Services:  Provided to each student during their stay at the institute.

9)  Entertainment Room: The hostel consists of recreation facilities (like TV Rooms, where students can enjoy matches and watch movies) along with.

10) Jodhpur Club: - Facilities for organization of events/programs and other institute activities.


The IIT Jodhpur campus has a student accommodation capacity of 4000, spanning over 17 different hostels. Students are generally allotted air-conditioned rooms, single occupancy, 80 sq. ft. each, and have basic furniture (table, chair, bed, and almirah) provided by the Institute. Every hostel is fully connected via LAN and WiFi coverage. The hostel building is a state-of-the-art insulated building, hence comforting its residents from any climatic conditions throughout the year. There are several facilities provided within the hostels, viz. TV room, reading room, TT/Carom/Snooker table/Chess, Art and music room, a dedicated open-to-air play area, and gymnasium in hostels. The hostels are provisioned with lifts, RO water filters, water coolers, and geysers. There is also a lush green area in and around every hostel, along with a separate parking space for students’ conveyance facilities. The hostels are manned round the clock by professional security guards to maintain the safety of the residents. The students' body of hostels organizes events to keep the students de-stressed by engaging them in a myriad of inter-hostel events pertaining to art-culture, literary, sports, technical, etc.

Medical Services

The Institute has a Primary Health Center (PHC) for providing routine health services to the campus residents, along with an ambulance service, round the clock. Besides having a PHC, the Institute has empanelled four (04) hospitals in the city of Jodhpur for availing different medical services, namely:

1)      ASG Eye Hospital,

2)      Goyal Hospital & Research Centre,

3)      Medipulse Hospital,

4)      Vasundhara Hospital.

One of these hospitals, namely ASG Eye Hospital has specializations in Ophthalmology and Goyal Hospital & Research Centre and Medipulse Hospital are the best known general hospitals in the city. The IPD services for students in the aforementioned hospitals are cashless, provided in lieu of Reliance Insurance Pvt. Ltd. For specialized medical attention, doctors at Primary Health Center refer patients to one of these hospitals. Institute also arranged the visit of Paediatrician, Psychiatrist  and Gynaecologist on weekly basis in the institute PHC. In addition to these five hospitals, the city has a Medical College and 3 hospitals run by the Government of Rajasthan. The Institute has close ties with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur. Primary Health Center at IIT Jodhpur also runs AYUSH OPD in collaboration with Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University. Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy doctors visit Primary Health Center on weekly basis to provide the services for all IITJ Fraternity In addition to this, PHC has both Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Ambulance & Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance which are available round the clock in IIT Jodhpur Campus in case of any type of medical emergencies.

Student Life at Institute

IIT Jodhpur offers plenty of opportunities for the holistic development of Students. Apart from the usual academics with regular classes, assignments and quizzes, the students are encouraged to pursue co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of their choice throughout the year. Student activities are monitored by three parallel bodies, namely Student Senate, Student Activity Council (SAC) and Academic and Co-curricular Activity Council (ACAC). There are a number of student societies under these councils that are mentored by Faculty members. These societies organize round the year activities. Students also have plenty of chances to represent the Institute at various national and international level events. Two major student festivals are organized every year with active participation from hundreds of students form colleges across the nation. Thus, students can nurture their talents and prove their mettle. In addition, everyday life at the Institute has plenty of scope for learning and joy.

Activities by the Student Wellbeing Committee:

The Student Wellbeing Committee (SWC) at IIT Jodhpur has been a key component of the institute since 2008. Its purpose is to ensure the mental and emotional wellbeing of students by promoting their personal and academic development. The committee works towards the overall development towards Extracurricular and Personal development of the students.

The Extra-Curricular aspect of SWC promotes the development of talents in students and encourages them to explore their hobbies and interests. The committee organizes sessions for helping students learn time management and developing effective study skills. The committee also serves as an interface between students and the Institute, providing opportunities for interaction and participation in Institute activities.

The Personal aspect of SWC provides a cushion against homesickness and supports students in adjusting to the new environment, including addressing concerns and difficulties arising during their stay at the Institute. The committee offers personalized guidance, psycho-education, and confidential referral services to students.

The SWC is led by a Chairperson, who is a faculty member, and supported by other faculty members, a student counsellor, and a well-being moderator. The student counsellor serves as a growth coach, while the well-being moderator is the primary contact for students and is available 24x7 on campus.

In addition to the above, the committee maintains a ragging-free campus and helps organize orientation programs for new students. It coordinates with YourDost, an online counseling and emotional wellness platform, and organizes workshops on key issues faced by students.

Finally, the committee organizes events to encourage interaction among students of different years, as well as staff and faculty members. Through its various initiatives, the SWC strives to make IIT Jodhpur a home away from home for all students. Besides, the Student Wellbeing  Committee strives to:

1)  Maintain a ragging-free campus;

2)  Organize Orientation Program for new students to acquaint them with the Institute;

3)  Organize lectures, workshops, and trainings on: (a) Stress management, (b) Time management, (c)  Health care and hygiene, (d)  Substance Abuse, (e) Relationships, (f) Cope with homesickness, (g) Addiction and others, and (h) motivational lectures  by eminent speakers;

4)  Organize events for encouraging interaction among students of different years, and Staff and Faculty Members.

The details of the events organized by SWC are also mentioned on the website:

The following activities were conducted in the past year:

Fresher’s Orientation (including campus tour, Counsellor’s talk, Interaction with Parents, Alumni interaction and talent show)

Financial Assistance

IITJ facilitates scholarships and financial aid through numerous ways to its students. The Office of Students encourages and assists the students to apply and being awarded scholarships like National and State SC/ST schemes such as NSP, Top Class etc; Fee Remission to SC/ST students, CSIR/UGC/MHRD/PMRF grants and other scholarships. A brief introduction about some of the scholarships is as follows:-

National Scholarship Portal :-  (NSP)-one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. National Scholarships Portal is taken as a Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

Other/State Scholarship (Such as MMVY, Bihar Credit card, etc.):- Scholarship Portal are available on the State Portal. The students who are domiciled in their own states can apply for these scholarships through the portal.       

Central Sector Scholarship :- Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for Top Class Education for SC/ST students- This scholarship is provided to the meritorious students belonging to the SC/ST category. Facilities like tuition fees waiver, living expenses, books and a computer.

Fee Remission :-Tuition fee remission and tuition fee waiver will be given as per the Ministry of  Education regulations to the eligible students like SC/ST/PH and Economically backward students. The Fee Remission Will Be Given To The Bonafide Students of IIT Jodhpur Subject To Verification of Their Documents.

Interest-Free-Loans :- The Institute has tied up with State Bank of India in order to provide the students interest-free-loan under the Vidyalaxmi Scheme for payment of tuition fees subject to the conditions and meeting the eligibility criteria.

Training & Placement

Career Development Cell (CDC) is a representative body of the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, which partners with students and industry to succeed in finding life-long career fulfillment for its students.  CDC aims to create an encouraging atmosphere for students by providing them ample prospects of building competencies in sync with their dream careers, thereby ensuring a smooth landing into the professional world. With innovative training methods, skill assessment programs, and continuous assessment of student interests, CDC provides services and resources that assist students in competence development, career planning and employment search. 

CDC designs and develops the “Career Development Activity Calendar” to conduct a multitude of activities for students focusing on Career Planning, Counselling, Research and Innovation, Industrial Relations, Entrepreneurship, Training, and Placements. In association with experienced professionals and experts, CDC makes efforts to inculcate skills that are essential for graduating students to strategize their career paths and enter the outside world. CDC aids students in refining facets of their personality, verbal and written communication, learning corporate etiquettes, learning interview skills, handling group discussions, writing customized resumes, leadership, and teamwork skills. Furthermore, CDC strives to bring immensely talented and brilliant brains together to create an entwined student community and helps them to make the right connections by nurturing their talent and providing a platform for their dreams to be realized.

CDC continuously builds symbiotic relationships with a broad spectrum of reputed MNCs, Core companies, Governmental organizations including PSUs, IIT alumni through social networking, workshops, invited talks, industrial visits, etc. Several renowned industries like Reliance, Samsung, Mercedes Benz, DE-Shaw, Arcesium, Microsoft, Google, American Express, Accenture, TCS, Infosys Ltd., BEL, BPCL, HPCL, L&T, Oil India Ltd., Maruti Suzuki, Amazon, AMNS, Jio Platforms Ltd., VE Commercial Vehicle, Evalueserve, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Deutsche Bank, ICICI Bank, Warner Brothers and many more regularly visit IIT Jodhpur for both internship and placement opportunities.

Industry And Alumni Relations

The Alumni of IIT Jodhpur continue to exemplify the values and excellence instilled by our institution, consistently achieving noteworthy milestones in their respective domains. Their diverse endeavours span entrepreneurship, academia, corporate leadership, civil services, and beyond, bringing prestige to IIT Jodhpur. Noteworthy successes include ventures such as Kuku FM and Veda Bio, academic roles in esteemed institutions like the University of Kansas and the University of California, as well as leadership positions at McKinsey, Alpha Advisors, Deutsche Bank, Mercedes Benz, and other corporate leaders.

Aligned with our commitment to nurturing lifelong connections, IIT Jodhpur has established the Office of Alumni Relations. This Office serves as a catalyst for fostering mutually beneficial relationships, facilitating activities aimed at enhancing the welfare of both our alumni and current students, nurturing trust, and promoting professional and technical excellence.

From the onset of their journey at IIT Jodhpur, new students are introduced to accomplished alumni during orientation sessions, fostering a sense of community and support. Through the IITJ Alumni Society and an online portal, alumni remain interconnected, facilitating mentoring opportunities and networking. Digital ID cards extend lifelong association with the institute, while annual events such as Alumni Day and Recognizing Excellence in Young Alumni (REYA) awards celebrate alumni achievements and provide networking platforms.

Further strengthening alumni engagement, the Office of Alumni Relations organizes Dashak, the decennial reunion every year. As a way of remaining connected with our Alumni, the Office of Alumni relations recently launched alumni newsletter- "The IITJ Almanac”, which offers insightful updates on alumni achievements and institute developments. Additionally, the establishment of regional chapters at North America, Bangalore and Hyderabad and Delhi has facilitated networking among regional alumni.

In addition, the Office of Alumni relations also collaborates with other IIT alumni bodies, such as PanIIT Alumni and IITACB. The Institute has set up an incubation space in Bangalore in the IITACB building in Bangalore, which is available to our alumni and others. Furthermore, the Institute is regularly represented in PanIIT alumni conferences, both in India as well as abroad. The recently inaugurated IITJ Outreach Centre in the National Capital Region has also enhanced the opportunities for alumni networking, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration. These strategic partnerships emphasize our commitment to fostering enduring connections that benefit the institute, alumni, and students alike, ensuring a legacy of excellence and creating impact for generations to come.

The Office of Corporate Relations is entirely dedicated to building up strong Connect with Industry, connecting with Industry organisations, developing collaborative R&D programmes, developing Industry specific continuing education programmes, involving professionals from Industry in co-guiding students, finding Industry linked fellowships and scholarships. The Corporate Relations Committee is created to strengthen the corporate relations of the institute, representing their respective units and act as point of contact for the department level of Corporate relation activities. The Office of Corporate Relations creates industry related connections by initiating collaborations through agreements. The activities generally associated with the collaboration are internships, research collaborations and consultancy projects. Industry Day is organized at the beginning of every year at IIT Jodhpur with an objective to establish links between industries and our academic and research programs. The event being conducted usually in two days engages policymakers, scientists, industry experts, and entrepreneurs in meaningful discussions and formulates a way forward for stronger industry-academia linkages.

Recreational/Extra Curricular activities

The Students Councils at IIT Jodhpur are student bodies to foster and develop all student activities in the Institute. Student Activity Council (SAC) and Academic and Co-curricular Activity Council (ACAC) aim at promoting and developing organizational abilities in students and cultivate qualities of leadership amongst students to foster a corporate life. It has been successful over the years in evolving a well-informed, articulate and participatory student community life. It has been instrumental in identifying student issues and promoting discussion on them.

Co-Curricular and Extra Curricular activities pertaining to Art and Cultural, Literary, Innovation and Entrepreneur, Science and Technology, Sports and Games are the major activities that students are having on campus.

IIT Jodhpur organizes a number of distinct Inter and Intra-Institute level events, workshops and conferences throughout the year. The subdivisions include the following: -

General Championship among all student [Throughout the Year].



Cultural-Social festival of IIT Jodhpur.



Technical festival of IIT Jodhpur.



Literary festival of IIT Jodhpur



Sports festival of IIT Jodhpur.



a SPIC MACAY festival is a cultural extravaganza to celebrate the variety and richness of Indian Cultural Heritage.

The Sandstone Summit


Annual Business Summit.





Annual Art Exhibition of IIT Jodhpur.

Departmental Technical Event.

Institute also organises the following Intra-Institute level events as a year long activity culminating in Academic unit wise General Championship and Hostel wise General Championship. Different subparts of General Championship are



Spandan is the intra-institute cultural fest of IIT Jodhpur.



Nimble, the intra-institute technical fest provides a platform to the techno buds  of the Institute to show their hidden talent.



Kridansh is the intra-institute fest providing a platform to sports enthusiast to show their talent.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB)


a pioneering initiative launched by the Government of India to enhance unity in diversity of our nation India.

Students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities (like the Student Chapter of IEEE on campus) to further their all-round personality development. Also, students engage in extracurricular activities at the Institute through the Students Council.

Location and Accessibility

IIT Jodhpur is located on the outskirts of the city of Jodhpur, which is well connected to other parts of the country by road, rail, and air. The Institute is located on National Highway 62 at Karwar, about 24 km from the railway station and 28 km from the airport; it takes approximately 45 minutes and 40 minutes to drive from airport and railway station to the Institute, respectively. 

The city of Jodhpur is connected well by road, rail and air to all major cities in the country, and by National Highways to major neighbouring cities. It is connected:

1)  by rail to major cities in the country, like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,   Hyderabad, Kota, Kanpur, Patna, Ahmedabad, Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Guwahati, Nagpur, Lucknow and Jaipur.

2)  by flights to New Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Indore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Pune.

3)   by National Highways to major cities, e.g., Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Udaipur and Ahmedabad. Deluxe and Express buses ply overnight to Jodhpur from Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Baroda.

Academic Programwise Seats breakup

Institute CodeProgram CodeAcademic Program NameState/All India SeatsSeat PoolOPENOPEN-PwDGEN-EWSGEN-EWS-PwDSCSC-PwDSTST-PwDOBC-NCLOBC-NCL-PwDTotal(includes Female Supernumerary)
Seat Capacity Female Supernumerary
108 4107 Chemical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 3 1 6 0 3 0 11 0 40
40 10
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 10
(including "10" Supernumerary)
108 4110 Computer Science and Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 24 1 6 1 9 0 5 0 18 0 64
64 16
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 6 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 5 0 16
(including "16" Supernumerary)
108 4111 Electrical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 28 1 7 1 11 0 5 0 18 1 72
72 18
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 7 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 5 0 18
(including "18" Supernumerary)
108 4125 Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 28 2 6 1 11 0 5 0 19 0 72
72 18
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 6 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 5 0 18
(including "18" Supernumerary)
108 4141 Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 19 1 4 1 7 0 3 0 13 0 48
48 12
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 5 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 12
(including "12" Supernumerary)
108 4143 Bio Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 4 0 5 1 2 1 10 1 40
40 10
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 10
(including "10" Supernumerary)
108 4188 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 22 1 4 1 9 0 4 0 15 0 56
56 14
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 14
(including "14" Supernumerary)
108 4193 Materials Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology) All India Gender-Neutral 15 1 3 1 6 0 3 0 11 0 40
40 10
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 10
(including "10" Supernumerary)
108 4211 Physics with Specialization (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) All India Gender-Neutral 8 1 3 0 4 0 1 0 7 0 24
24 6
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 6
(including "6" Supernumerary)
108 4212 Chemistry with Specialization (4 Years, Bachelor of Science) All India Gender-Neutral 8 1 3 0 4 0 1 0 7 0 24
24 6
Female-only (including Supernumerary) 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 6
(including "6" Supernumerary)
     Total Seats 225 13 0 0 89 1 44 1 163 2 600
480 120

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