
Soul of the street

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Date: 08.05.2023 - 08.31.2023

Each city has its own essence as well as its own charm to be well recognized by not only the locals but also the tourists. This non-verbal language is made of by the daily activities of the locals, the way people welcome and treat any one coming from afar. Thus you can easily identify a city with just a brief description. Saigon is indispensable for sidewalk cafes or 'xe om' waiting for customers and of course, the towering buildings. Likewise, you can also easily recognize the typical character of other towns in Vietnam. 

In line with it, paintings describing Saigon, somewhere in the Middle of Vietnam and Hanoi will be presented at Lotus in this August (August 5th – August 31st). So, let’s get started on the journey to discover what each city really contains inside of it, go get the essence of ‘soul of the street’!

Featuring painters: Đinh Quang Hải, Chu Viết Cường, Đinh Ngọc Thắng, Lê Tường, Hà Châu, Phạm Hoàng Anh, Mai San, Trần Ngọc Tình, Đỗ Ngọc Diệp 

Pictures of the exhibition

Lotus Gallery - Fine art - Phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật