Jun 23, 2024

BY: Riya Arora

​10 fruits you should not eat on an empty stomach and why

Fruits you should not eat on an empty stomach and why

Fruits are generally healthy and nutritious, known for providing an instant energy boost and their uniquely refreshing and delicious flavour. However, consuming them on an empty stomach can sometimes cause digestive issues for some people. Here are 10 fruits that should never be eaten on an empty stomach and the reasons why.


​Citrus fruits

Juicy and refreshing, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are highly acidic. However, their acidity can cause heartburn, irritation, and increased gastric acid production when consumed on an empty stomach. This may lead to gastritis or worsen existing ulcers.



Tomatoes are known for their juicy flesh and versatility in a variety of cuisines. However, they contain high levels of tannic acid, which can increase stomach acidity when consumed on an empty stomach. This acidity may lead to irritation and discomfort.



Bananas are known for their delicious, creamy texture and natural sweetness. However, their high magnesium content can disrupt the balance of magnesium and calcium in the blood when consumed on an empty stomach, potentially leading to cardiovascular issues.



Pineapples are known for their juicy sweetness and tropical flavour. However, they contain high levels of bromelain, which can increase stomach acidity and irritate the stomach lining when consumed on an empty stomach.



Pears are immensely rich in fiber and have a juicy and succulent texture. However, this high fiber content can damage delicate mucous membranes when consumed on an empty stomach, leading to discomfort.


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Juicy and fragrant, guavas are known for their burst of tropical flavor. However, the high levels of fiber and fructose in guavas can strain the digestive system and cause discomfort when eaten on an empty stomach.



Known for its juicy flesh and hydrating properties, watermelon is refreshing to eat. However, when consumed on an empty stomach, its high water content can increase acidity levels in the stomach, potentially leading to irritation and discomfort.



Litchis have a juicy and sweet flesh that makes them a delightful treat. However, they are very high in sugar content, which can cause a rapid spike in insulin levels when eaten on an empty stomach.



Kiwis are known for their juicy and tangy flesh, providing a refreshing burst of flavour. However, their high vitamin C and acidic content can cause irritation and discomfort in the stomach when consumed on an empty stomach.



Juicy and refreshing, but high in sugar, which can lead to an insulin spike if consumed on an empty stomach.


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