
Be your best when it really matters. At the #MomentOfService

Om oss

IFS™ utvecklar och levererar affärssystem till kunder över hela världen som tillverkar och distribuerar varor, underhåller anläggningstillgångar samt driver serviceinriktade verksamheter. Vår branschkunskap och våra lösningar har tillsammans med vårt kundfokus gjort oss till en ledare inom sektorn. Våra 3 300 medarbetare stödjer fler än en miljon användare över hela världen genom lokala kontor och ett växande partnernätverk.

5 001–10 000 anställda
Privatägt företag
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Software Solutions, Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Enterprise Project Management (EPM), Field Service Management (FSM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) och Enterprise Service Management (ESM)



Anställda på IFS


  • Visa organisationssidan för IFS, grafik

    319 691 följare

    Hear from Fatimah Al Dawod, one of our newest team members, about her journey with IFS✨: Fatimah joined IFS to pursue a career in tech sales, attracted by the comprehensive learning experience in our BDR role, which combines both marketing and sales aspects. Fatimah shared, "What caught my interest with IFS was the culture that the managers conduct in the interviews. It gave me a good impression, and I felt that I could relate to those people." From the very first day, Fatimah experienced the dynamic and engaging environment at IFS. She attended significant events such as the ERP Summit and the Field Service Management event, providing her with valuable insights into our customer interactions and internal culture. An early visit to our London office further solidified her connection with her manager and colleagues. Reflecting on her initial weeks, Fatimah noted, "It was a great start; I just got thrown into it immediately and got the feeling of both our customers and the internal culture." Fatimah is eager to continue her growth at IFS, enhancing her skills and fostering collaboration with our sales team. She is particularly excited about the upcoming sales kickoff, which promises to be a fantastic opportunity to network with colleagues from all over the world. "I also look forward to deepening my understanding of my role and gaining increased confidence and proficiency," she said. Why Join IFS? Our team is known for its collaborative spirit, where members are always ready to support one another. Fatimah emphasized, "If you're looking for somewhere with a very humanly culture in a global, tech environment, IFS is a great alternative. People always show up for you, which also makes you want to give a lot back." #MakeYourMoment at IFS: https://ifs.link/6zdhy0

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IFS, grafik

    319 691 följare

    SOHAR Port and Freezone transforms its Operations with IFS ERP! In a recent interview with Intelligent CIO Middle East, Ahmed Al Hosni, VP Finance and Technology at SOHAR Port and Freezone, shared their remarkable digital transformation journey. The implementation of IFS ERP has been pivotal in establishing a strong foundation for digitization, positioning SOHAR Port and Freezone to achieve operational excellence, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Read the full case study to learn how SOHAR Port and Freezone uses technology to remain future-ready and address the evolving demands of the ports industry. Discover how IFS can support your needs today: https://ifs.link/UFA6vm #DigitalTransformation #IFS #Innovation #OperationalExcellence #PortAndLogistics #ERP #CustomerSuccessStory

  • Visa organisationssidan för IFS, grafik

    319 691 följare

    Une épreuve sportive fièrement relevée ! 🚴♂️ La 32e édition de L’Etape du tour a eu lieu le samedi 6 juillet. Cette course de vélo emblématique a réunit plus de 12.500 coureurs amateurs avec au programme plus de 138 kilomètres sur 4 600 m de dénivelé à parcourir entre Nice et le col de la Couillole. IFS a souhaité participer à cette course de vélo emblématique pour récolter des fonds. Bravo à Marc Stefani pour sa participation à cette épreuve relevée avec succès ! Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque est une association qui permet à des enfants défavorisés atteints de malformations cardiaques de se faire opérer en France, en prenant en charge tous les frais médicaux grâce à des médecins bénévoles et des donateurs. L'association sauve ainsi des milliers d'enfants en leur offrant une seconde chance de vivre en bonne santé.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IFS, grafik

    319 691 följare

    Today IFS has officially welcomed EmpowerMX into our family. They're at the forefront of aviation maintenance solutions, and we're excited about the expertise and innovation they bring to our Aerospace & Defense services. 🛫 This acquisition is more than just expanding our portfolio; it's about enhancing the way we serve our industry and our customers. With EmpowerMX's AI-driven approach, we're upping our game in maintenance management, aiming to deliver even better efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 🛠️ A warm welcome to all of the EmpowerMX team joining us on this journey. Here's to a future of shared success and groundbreaking Industrial AI advancements in aviation MRO. https://ifs.link/BCIwDF

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  • Visa organisationssidan för IFS, grafik

    319 691 följare

    Transforming Workforce Management with #AI! Managing a large mobile workforce can be challenging, but AI-powered solutions are revolutionizing the game. Discover how PHS, a UK leader in hygiene washroom services, leveraged IFS AI-powered Planning and Scheduling Optimization to: ✅ Cut travel time by 35% ✅ Increase productivity and customer-facing time ✅ Reduce CO2 emissions and fuel costs ✅ Seamlessly integrate electric vehicles into their operations Read the full success story and see how AI can drive efficiency and improve customer experience in workforce management:

    The Power of AI in Workforce Management: PHS Story

    The Power of AI in Workforce Management: PHS Story


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