Google Workspace diagnostic tools

Easy-to-use tools for troubleshooting Google Workspace service issues

You can use the Google Admin Toolbox to troubleshoot issues with Google Workspace.

Browser debugger

You can use Browserinfo to see if your browser has any connectivity issues. With this tool, you can:

  • Collect important browser parameters
  • Detect installed plug-ins
  • Check connectivity by:
    • Calculating HTTP latency to Google services
    • Detecting whether a firewall rule has impaired connectivity
DNS verification

You can use Check MX to find common misconfigurations in your MX DNS records. Use the tool to establish the current status of your domain.

Checks done by Check MX include:

  • General DNS sanity checks—Is there more than one NS server? Are they all reachable? Do they know about each other? Are they synchronized?
  • ​Google Workspace-related issues—Do MX records for the domain match the recommended set up? Are there any misconfigurations? Are there servers that aren't part of a normal configuration?
  • Other checks—Do the mail exchangers correctly correspond to the A records? Are there CNAME records for the bare domain? Do the DNS responses match the standard UDP responses?

After completing the checks, you get a summary with a flag that shows if mail flow is:

  • Working smoothly (green flag)
  • Working, but indicating issues that need to be addressed (yellow flag)
  • Experiencing an outage (red flag)
Encoding and decoding

With Encode/Decode, you can debug web-related issues with a set of encoding and decoding functions, including:

  • Base64 encode
  • Base64 decode
  • Base64Url encode
  • URL encode
  • URL decode
  • MD5 Hash
  • SAML encode
  • SAML decode

Enter the text you want to encode or decode, select the type of encode or decode, and click Submit

Log Analyzer

Use Log Analyzer to help explain errors and warnings in log files generated by some Google tools and products.


To use the tool, paste or upload the log file and select the log source. Or, you can let Log Analyzer autodetect the log source. Learn more about how to extract log files for: 

If Log Analyzer detects an issue, it will highlight the problem and provide an explanation. Most issues can be identified within a few moments of submission.


You can use Messageheader to identify email delivery and routing issues (such as, server hops or message delays). To use the tool, paste the message's full header and click Analyze the header above.

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