When the maths question paper was leaked a day before

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Nov 15, 2023, 11.32 AM IST
When the maths question paper was leaked a day before
Written by Bhannu Arora
In my tenth grade, maths was like a monster under my bed, especially with the board exams looming. The night before the maths exam, I was cramming like a true procrastinator. Around 11 PM, a sudden knock at the door jolted me. Fearing my parents would wake up, I tiptoed to the door, only to find my friend, Raj, grinning ear to ear.
“Raj, what are you doing here so late?” I whispered.
“Dude, you won’t believe it!” he said, waving a bundle of papers. “I got the math paper for tomorrow!”

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The paper had tomorrow’s date on it. Forgetting all about my textbooks, we spent the night memorising every answer.In the morning, I told my parents confidently, "Prepare to see some top-notch math skills. I'm nailing this exam!"

Their surprised faces should’ve warned me.

At the exam hall, Raj and I confidently awaited the papers. But our confidence turned to horror when we saw the actual questions - nothing like what we'd studied.

I shot Raj a furious look. "You're in for it after this!"

Somehow, I scrambled through the exam. The ultimate blow came with the results. I barely passed, scoring just 33%.

To this day, whenever math comes up, my family bursts into laughter, reminding me of my midnight math misadventure.

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