Themed at an ancient tribal art, IIFT organizes three-day exhibition cum fashion festival in Ranchi

TNN | Mar 25, 2014, 04.53 PM IST
Themed at an ancient tribal art, IIFT organizes three-day exhibition cum fashion festival in Ranchi
Three-day exhibition cum fashion festival organized by IIFT (International Institute of Fashion Technology) on their campus turned out to be one-point congregation of fashion enthusiasts of the city.

Everything from tees, designer kurtis, stoles and decorative items were on display. The theme for the festival was Sohrai, an ancient tribal art of the hinterland. “The preparation for the festival was on since the last few weeks. It is good to notice the response of the people. Sohrai is not just limited to being a tribal art form,but has successfully attracted the interest of people from across the globe. It has even created a place in museums and national galleries,” said student Jyotika.

Paintings and jewellery attracted most visitors. “All the products are made by the students. We organize such events to encourage them,” said IIFT director Abishek Biswas.