Shani Gochar 2024: Effects & Remedies and Master Tip

Explore social connections and community involvement for meaningful relationships during the Saturn Retrogression. Engage in group activities for physical health. Astrologer Prashant Kapoor provides insights on the zodiac sign impacts of Shani Vakri. Prioritize personal growth, creativity, and family harmony for a balanced approach to Saturn's transit.
Shani Gochar 2024: Effects & Remedies and Master Tip
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The much-anticipated Shani Vakri, or Saturn Retrogression in Aquarius which happens to be its own house along with Capricorn, has begun from 30th June 2024 12.35 am and will continue its celestial journey until 15 November 2024, 7.51 am.
This year, under the influence of the number 8, is dominantly ruled by Saturn, promising significant shifts and transformations.
The planet is known to be the karmic teacher, the strict principal at school. The planet teaches lessons and rewards karma. The movement of Retrograde Shani in Aquarius sign is set to impact each zodiac sign uniquely, bringing opportunities for growth, challenges, and lessons.
Master Tip: It's advised to donate food yellow or orange in colour to the needy on Saturdays, along with visiting Hanuman Temple. One more Master tip that can be universally followed to attract positive shifts during the transit is to avoid wearing black, maroon or dark navy blue on Saturdays.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This transit will urge you to focus on your professional life. Expect increased responsibilities, but with them come opportunities for growth. Hard work and perseverance will be key.
Health Remedy: Engage in regular physical exercise to manage stress and maintain your vitality. Practicing meditation can also help balance your energy as this period can slightly affect your moon house and mental health.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Education and long-distance travel might become focal points. This is an ideal time for pursuing higher studies or expanding your knowledge base.
Health Remedy: Ensure a balanced diet rich in fiber to support digestive health. Yoga and pranayama can aid in maintaining inner peace and physical well-being. Avoid eating junk as health related aspects related to liver need to be taken care of.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Financial matters, including inheritances or joint resources, will come into focus. Be cautious with investments and avoid unnecessary risks.
Health Remedy: Prioritize sleep and practice relaxation techniques to combat anxiety as rahu positioning can cause certain mental tensions
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Relationships and partnerships will be under Saturn’s scrutiny. Strengthen your commitments and address any lingering issues with honesty and patience.
Health Remedy: Incorporate calming activities like walking in nature or listening to soothing music to maintain emotional balance. Regular hydration is essential.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This period emphasizes health and daily routines. You might find yourself re-evaluating your habits and making necessary adjustments for better wellness. Health Remedy: Develop a consistent exercise regimen and opt for nutritious meals to boost your immune system. Avoid overindulgence in any form as this is Shanis period
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Creativity and personal projects take center stage. This is a good time to pursue hobbies or artistic endeavors that bring joy and satisfaction.
Health Remedy: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, like reading or puzzles.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Family and home-related matters will be highlighted. Focus on creating harmony within your domestic environment and addressing any familial issues.
Health Remedy: Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to reduce stress. Maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid fatigue.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Communication and short journeys will play a significant role. Strengthen your communication skills and be open to new learning experiences.
Health Remedy: Protect your throat and respiratory system by avoiding pollutants. Warm fluids and natural remedies can alleviate minor ailments. People facing issues with the lungs should be careful during this period.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Financial stability and value systems will be under the spotlight. It’s a good time to reassess your financial strategies and secure your assets.
Health Remedy: Monitor your dietary intake and focus on foods that support metabolic health. Physical activities like jogging or cycling can be beneficial.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Personal development and self-identity will be influenced. Embrace self-reflection and strive for personal growth in all aspects of your life.
Health Remedy: Prioritize self-care practices and consider regular check-ups. Grounding exercises are beneficial as you are ruled by Saturn. Physical exercises are a must.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Spiritual growth and introspection are key themes. This is a period for inner healing and connecting with your deeper self. Health Remedy: Practice meditation and explore spiritual activities that resonate with you. Ensure adequate rest to support your mental and emotional health. Health will see progress.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Social connections and community involvement will be significant. Build and strengthen your network, focusing on meaningful relationships.
Health Remedy: Engage in group activities that promote physical health, such as sports or group workouts. Health seems good during this period.
The article is written by Astrologer Mr. Prashant Kapoor, Founder of AstroKapoor.
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