He was skeptical about his practice, and even competition was making him nervous. But race was inevitable, and he had to participate. With shaking legs and thumping heart, he reached the starting point, observed the people around and took position. Suddenly wisdom struck him, and he realized the only option with him was to run. Mind and heart were dissonant to each other, mind with no thoughts and heart still beating fast. He heard the gunshot and the next moment he saw himself near the finish line ahead of everyone. The mind started building up about; winning, post winning effects, family reaction, winning price and took his focus. With that thought and smile on the face, he touched the winning line at fourth position.

He won many sprints after that, but even today that loss haunts him, as he knew he was few steps away from finish, ahead of everyone, but he couldn’t take last steps with same celerity, as he ran the entire race and have allowed others to win over him. Whenever he is alone, he introspects life and thinks, Is life a combination of such sprints? Will it be correct to say that our start and end defines the outcome? Do thoughts impede the journey towards our desires? Is it true that fear of reaction from others (good or bad) affects our actions?

Sometimes it’s difficult to begin as the road to traverse is not clear, the vision to finish line is hazy, fear of self and others stops us. But once we keep the nerves in control and takes a leap in the direction of our heart, the momentum created will not let the inertia step in by any negative emotion. The greater part is covered with comfort but as soon as we approach the end, we again get surrounded by contemplations.

It’s not only the negative emotion that acts as an impediment, but sometimes positive emotions also decelerate us and to the extent that it derails us from the path of success. Our confidence that we will win, sometimes triggers complacency, the post win expectations, the notion of fame or accolades intoxicates the thoughts and derails the focus.

We seldom realize but the effort needed in final step is more as compared to first step, as at this stage, other than external factors & negative emotions, our positive emotions also create hurdles. Nevertheless, in personal or professional life irrespective of its outcome, the final step holds the key to our gratification.

The importance of completing journey is well known in professional life, but in personal life as well it’s critical for mental peace. The journey is the distance we travel to fulfil our individual desires. It could be as small as completion of our day’s routine, following child’s timetable, going out with friends, cooking our favorite cuisine, watching Netflix for full day without getting up from bed and so on. It could also be as complex as starting a relationship, redefining existing relationships, redefining ways of living life etc.

The artistry of voyage lies in its accomplishment, and it is an individual’s aim to ensure that they complete it, irrespective of consequences, not for anyone else but for their own self. Do not restrict self from just defining the path, but possess it in toto, begin it with passion and take final steps with equal vigour and move to next.


Views expressed above are the author's own.