In Karnataka coast, tourists pay no heed to warnings on entering sea

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BENGALURU: Despite a stern warning from the district administration and signboards being installed on major beaches of Uttara Kannada against stepping into the sea or taking a swim, tourists are endangering their own lives. In tourist places such as Murudeshwar, Gokarna, Karwar and other beaches, police and lifeguards have kept a strict vigil on tourists.

Beaches like Murudeshwar and Gokarna, which have choppy sea waters and whirlpools, often resulting in tragedies, are still full of tourists. The administration has hoisted red flags and displayed warning boards. The monsoon has set over coastal Uttara Kannada and the sea is very rough. The authorities have also warned fishermen not to venture into the sea.

Most tourists, who come from distant places, venture into the sea for fun. There are hundreds of drowning incidents from these areas every year, and in most non-fatal cases, tourists are saved by lifeguards or fishermen.


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"In places like Om beach in Gokarna, Murudeshwar and Karwar beaches, tourists get into arguments with security men and step into the rough sea waters. When they come in large groups and pick a quarrel, we become helpless and inform cops," said a lifeguard on Karwar beach. "In some cases, drunk tourists don't understand the danger."

The deputy commissioner wasn't available for comment.
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