This story is from December 20, 2017

Schools, NGO, cops join hands to fight drug menace

Schools, NGO, cops join hands to fight drug menace
BENGALURU: Seven schools from east Bengaluru, in a bid to prevent drug abuse among students, have agreed to come together to form a network. It will be led by a not-for-profit working for child rights and backed by the police department.
While some schools face increasing cases of drug abuse, a few others in the area are participating for a show of strength.
“In our school, we are suspicious about a few students, going by the change in their behaviour and track record. We’ve also learnt that their families have faced hardships. We want to do everything to ensure our students stay away from such things,” a principal said.
Child Rights Trust (CRT) director Nagasimha G Rao said: “In the past 30 days, we have received calls from 16 schools, including some government ones, seeking help in counselling and other workshops. The initiative will be a long-term, continuous effort in helping students understand the ill-effects of drugs.”
CRT will lead the initiative, called ‘Banni Gelayarannu Rakshisona’ (come, let’s protect our friends), which will see students play a key role, with support from their schools, police and the NGO. Students or schools can call helpline number 1098 to get help in case of drug abuse.
“We are also working closely with police to ensure the suppliers are apprehended,” Rao said. In December 2016, the government formed a core group under the home department to deal with drug menace in schools and colleges, which is working on tackling the issue.
Besides, city police already have a WhatsApp group with representatives from nearly 100 educational institutes, including staff, students, parents and members of the public from certain areas, who are collecting information on drug peddlers and other illegal activities.
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