This story is from May 29, 2018

Three Nipah cases suspected from Bengaluru

Three Nipah cases suspected from Bengaluru
Representative Photo
BENGALURU: Adding to the Nipah scare in Karnataka, three such suspected cases have been reported in Bengaluru.
While one suspected case was reported on Monday and two more case were reported on Tuesday.
All the three patients had travelled to Kerala on a regular basis and had developed fever.
The sample of body fluids of all the three patients have been sent to Manipal Centre for Virus Research (MCVR), in Manipal near Udupi and the results are awaited.

It is said that all the three patients are nurses who work at different private hospitals in the city. Most of the nursing staff in such hospitals are from Kerala and they do travel to their home towns, doctors said.
“They traveled to their home towns in Kerala and have developed fever, vomiting on their return. They are not hospitalised at present and they have isolated themselves and are on close monitoring. The symptoms are nothing but that of flu, but as a precautionary measure, their body fluids have been sent for tests. There are chances of the tests coming negative for Nipah virus infection,” said Dr BG Prakash Kumar, deputy director, National Vector Borne Disease Control Program, state health and family welfare department.
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