Roach in Vande Bharat meal, Rlys fines vendor Rs 25k

On July 24, a passenger on the C-8 coach of 20171 Rani Kamlapati-Nizamuddin Express tweeted that he had found a cockroach in the paratha served to himOn July 24, a passenger on the C-8 coach of 20171 Rani Kamlapati-Nizamuddin Express tweeted that he had found ... Read More
BHOPAL: The railways has fined a food vendor Rs 25,000 after a passenger on the Bhopal-Delhi Vande Bharat Express found a cockroach in the meal.

On July 24, a passenger on the C-8 coach of 20171 Rani Kamlapati-Nizamuddin Express tweeted that he had found a cockroach in the paratha served to him in the meal provided by the railways.

His tweet went viral and other netizens also shared their experience about the 'poor quality' of food being served on the premium train. "I am travelling by the same train and saw a cockroach in the Paratha. Parathas were sub-par and instead of the regular theplas, parathas were served," said another passenger.


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An IRCTC official traveling on the train immediately contacted the passengers and provided alternative food. On Thursday, the vendor was fined and warned not to repeat the mistake. The passengers were satisfied with the prompt response, said officials. The licensee’s kitchen in Bhopal has been warned to take proper precautions and to ensure food stands up to quality standards.
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